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Wim Hof Method - Sydney

Alignment Health is Hosting a once in a lifetime opportunity to experience intense self healing, learn ground breaking research and smash your own limiting self beliefs.

Learn from experienced Wim Hof Method Trainer Danielle Smith who has spent the last 12 months traveling around the world in some of the coldest and challenging conditions

At this event you will;

  • Learn the Wim Hof Method and how to implement the techniques into your life

  • Learn how to focus your breath and advance breathing techniques

  • Have your own personalised Ice Bath experience

  • Experience grounding and nature techniques

  • Enjoy an nutrient dense light lunch

There is very limited numbers and this event will definitely sell out!

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Cursus Amet
8 March

Rise Yoga is Coming to Alignment Health

28 October

2023 Health Accelerator