Wellness Blog

Bryce Fleming Bryce Fleming

Do you really value your health???

In our fast-paced world, it's easy to overlook the importance of maintaining our bodies compared to maintaining material possessions like cars. We diligently schedule routine maintenance for our vehicles, understanding that neglecting them could lead to costly repairs or even breakdowns. But what about our bodies, which are meant to last us a lifetime? Isn't regular maintenance just as crucial?

Your spine is your lifeline, and it needs to last you a lifetime. Just like how you wouldn't neglect regular servicing for your car to ensure its longevity, the same principle applies to your spine and overall health. However, many people tend to prioritize spending on replaceable items rather than investing in their own bodies.

The main reason for this discrepancy lies in our belief systems. Society often places higher value on material possessions, leading individuals to prioritize spending on gadgets, clothes, or cars over their health. But the truth is, we don't truly value our health as much as material things until we're faced with health challenges.

Our value systems determine our thoughts, decisions, and actions. To change behavior and prioritise health, it's essential to link the benefits of being healthier to what is meaningful or highest on one's values. Whether it's spending more quality time with loved ones, pursuing career goals, or enjoying hobbies, being healthier enhances every aspect of life.

At Alignment Chiropractic, we understand the importance of investing in your health. Our team is here to support you in restoring and maintaining a healthy spine and nervous system. We offer a holistic approach to wellness, including regular chiropractic care, fitness training, nutritional coaching, and educational programs designed to help you make sustainable healthy behavior changes.

By investing in regular chiropractic care and prioritising your health, you're not just maintaining your body; you're investing in a better quality of life. Remember, at Alignment Chiropractic, we're here to help you every step of the way on your journey to optimal health and well-being

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Bryce Fleming Bryce Fleming

Take home tips for a happy, healthy spine

Healthy Spine tips!

Our body is an intricate symphony where every instrument plays a crucial role. At the conductor's helm is the nervous system, the maestro orchestrating a harmonious dance among cells, tissues, and organs. 

In this blog post, we delve into the captivating narrative of how a healthy nervous system is paramount to overall well-being, why maintaining a healthy spine is key and some simple things you can do at home, work or in the car to help achieve this but before we do, here is why it is vital to add spinal care to your health routine. 


Your nervous system controls every cell, tissue and organ in your body

To be healthy, you need a healthy nervous system

Your spine protects your nervous system

The Vital Link: Healthy Nervous System and Healthy Spine:

Just as a conductor relies on a well-tuned orchestra, your body requires a spine in optimal condition for the nervous system to conduct its symphony flawlessly.

Four Components of a Healthy Spine:

  • Flexibility: Not just global flexibility but the intricate dance of segmental flexibility is needed.

  • Unobstructed Nerve Pathways: Ensuring nerves can navigate the spinal landscape without interference.

  • Muscle Strength and Harmony: Crucial muscles supporting the spine need to be strong, flexible and  balanced.

  • Spinal Alignment: The further out of alignment your spine is, the more likely it will form damage, develop weak muscles that support it, and start to interfere with the nerve messages between the brain and the body.

Simple Strategies for a Healthy Spine:

  • Activate Your Nervous System:

    • Kickstart your journey by understanding how to activate and support your nervous system. Incorporate mindfulness practices, such as deep breathing and meditation, into your daily routine to promote relaxation and balance.

  • Daily Spinal Stretches and Movements:

    • Embrace daily stretches and movements designed to enhance spinal flexibility. Incorporate exercises that focus not only on global flexibility but also on the segmental movement of each vertebra. Simple practices like forward bends, twists, and side stretches can make a significant impact.

  • Nourish Your Spine with Proper Nutrition:

    • Fuel your spine with the nutrients it needs for optimal health. Ensure your diet includes foods rich in calcium, vitamin D, and omega-3 fatty acids to support bone density and overall spinal function.

  • Maintain Proper Posture:

    • Be mindful of your posture throughout the day, especially if you have a sedentary lifestyle. Incorporate more movement into your workday, and practice ‘tall and long’ sitting and standing posture to alleviate unnecessary strain on your spine.

  • Build Core Strength with Everyday Exercises:

    • Strengthen the muscles supporting your spine with simple, everyday exercises. Try abdominal contractions while sitting, wall push-ups, and core-engaging activities like squeezing your abdominal muscles when transitioning from sitting to standing. These can be seamlessly integrated into your daily routine.

  • Hydrate for Spinal Health:

    • Hydration is key to maintaining the resilience of your spinal discs. Ensure you drink an adequate amount of water daily to support the hydration and shock-absorbing capabilities of your spinal discs.

  • Regular Movement Breaks:

    • Counteract the negative effects of prolonged sitting by incorporating regular movement breaks into your day. Set reminders to stand, stretch, and walk around to prevent stiffness and promote spinal health.

  • Consult a Chiropractor for Regular Check-ups:

    • Just like you would see a dentist to keep your teeth healthy and prevent cavities,  chiropractic care has become a normal part of peoples health care regime to imporve posture, alignment, flexibilty and prevent spinal degeneration and decay often caused by chronic spinal subluxation (misalignment) and combat the chronic amount of sitting and repetitive actions we do.  

Achieving healthy teeth doesn't necessarily require a visit to the dentist, but it's an excellent, results-driven, and efficient strategy. Similarly, maintaining a healthy spine doesn't demand seeing a chiropractor, but in today's modern world, chiropractic stands out as the optimal choice for efficient and effective spinal healthcare. With an outstanding safety record and high patient satisfaction, chiropractic offers unparalleled benefits. PLUS - it feels amazing after you get adjusted! 

Feel free to reach out to us at Alignment Chirorpactic if you have any questions or need some help. (02) 7204 3087

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Bryce Fleming Bryce Fleming

Breaking Bad (Habits… not the show)

Ever felt like you're stuck in a loop, facing the same injuries, battling persistent bad habits, or finding yourself in the same relationship dynamics? You're not alone. In this blog post, we're diving deep into the fascinating world of neuroplasticity – the brain's extraordinary ability to reshape itself. We'll unravel the mysteries behind why we fall into familiar patterns and, more importantly, how we can break free from them.

Neuroplasticity: The Brain's Remarkable Adaptability:

At its core, neuroplasticity is the brain's incredible ability to reorganise itself by forming new neural connections throughout life. It's the neurobiological basis for learning and memory. This phenomenon enables the brain to adapt and change in response to experiences, creating both positive and negative patterns.

Understanding Repetitive Patterns:

Repeating the same injuries, bad habits, or relationship dynamics often involves the reinforcement of specific neural pathways. These patterns become ingrained due to repeated thoughts, actions, and emotions associated with them. Over time, these neural circuits strengthen, making it challenging to deviate from established patterns.

Breaking bad mind-body habits involves a similar holistic approach that addresses the interconnectedness of mental and physical aspects. Here are some strategies:

  • Journaling: Keep a journal to track thoughts, emotions, and behaviours. This can help identify patterns and triggers, providing insights into mind-body habits.

  • Positive Visualisation: Use visualisation techniques to imagine positive outcomes. This can influence both mental and physical responses to situations.

  • Mind-Body Exercises: Engage in activities that blend physical movement with mental focus, such as yoga or for the time poor, spinal hygiene exercises. These practices promote harmony between the mind and body.

  • Affirmations: Use positive affirmations to reshape negative thought patterns. Repeat affirmations that reinforce positive beliefs about yourself and your capabilities.

  • Gratitude Practice: Cultivate a gratitude mindset. Regularly expressing gratitude can positively impact both mental and physical well-being.

  • Therapeutic Techniques: Explore therapeutic approaches like biofeedback or neurofeedback, which provide real-time information about physiological responses, helping you gain control over mind-body functions.

  • Emotional Regulation: Develop skills for emotional regulation, such as identifying and expressing emotions in healthy ways. This contributes to a balanced mind-body state.

  • Holistic Health Practices: Adopt holistic health practices that consider the interconnectedness of mind and body, such as Chiropractic that focuses on the nervous system, the master controlling unit and life force of all cells, tissues and organs within your body.

  • Self-Compassion: Practice self-compassion by treating yourself with kindness. Avoid self-criticism and acknowledge that everyone has areas for growth.

  • Healthy Lifestyle Choices: Make lifestyle choices that support both mental and physical well-being, including adequate sleep, balanced nutrition, and regular physical activity.

There you have it, explorers of the mind-body connection! Breaking those persistent mind-body habits isn't about a magic fix; it's a journey of self-discovery and intentional change. Whether you're embracing positive visualisation, incorporating mind-body exercises, or adopting holistic health practices like chiropractic care, remember, it's all about creating a harmonious dance between your mind and body. So, go ahead, try out these strategies, embark on your unique journey, and let the adventure unfold! 

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Bryce Fleming Bryce Fleming

Nurturing Your Well-Being: The Key to Conquering Daily Challenges

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, whether it's getting back into the work groove, diving into studies, or managing the various family tasks life throws at us, it's easy to overlook the importance of prioritising our health. Yet, maintaining a healthy routine is not just beneficial—it's vital for building resilience and navigating the grind of daily, weekly, and monthly challenges.

The Challenge of Getting Back into the Swing:

As we return to the rhythm of work, school, or any other daily pursuit, the potential stressors can be overwhelming. Juggling responsibilities and deadlines can take a toll on both our physical and mental well-being. However, understanding that our health is the cornerstone of our ability to handle these challenges is a powerful realisation.

The Crucial Role of Spinal Health and Posture:

In the midst of our hectic lives, the health of our spine and our posture often takes a backseat. Yet, it's worth noting that maintaining a healthy spine goes beyond just preventing back pain—it plays a significant role in supporting a nervous system free of physical interference.

The Immune System and Energy Connection:

Poor posture can have a profound impact on our immune system and energy levels. Several studies have shown that maintaining good posture contributes to a more robust immune response, helping our bodies ward off illnesses. Additionally, the alignment of our spine influences our energy levels, affecting our ability to stay focused and alert throughout the day.

… Consider this: How often do you encounter friends, family members or coworkers with their heads down, slumped forward, exclaiming, "Wow, I am fully energised and ready to tackle anything today!"? Never, right?

The Simple Solution: Spinal Hygiene:

Fortunately, the solution is simpler than it may seem. Embracing a routine of spinal hygiene combined with routine spinal alignment checkups with your chiropractor can make a remarkable difference. 

By incorporating movement into your spine through exercises, stretches and proper alignment, you provide your nervous system with the care it deserves. This, in turn, charges your brain through mechanoreception and proprioception inputs, akin to recharging your brain like a battery.

Conclusion: Empower Your Health for a Resilient Tomorrow:

In conclusion, as we navigate the challenges of our daily lives, let's not forget the power of a healthy routine. Prioritising spinal hygiene and maintaining good posture are not just lifestyle choices; they are investments in our overall well-being. By doing so, we equip ourselves to face life's challenges with resilience, energy, and a clear mind.

Now go and crush your goals!!!

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Bryce Fleming Bryce Fleming

Is Longevity The New Currency Of Wealth? 

In a world where time is a precious commodity, longevity is emerging as the new form of currency. Health has always been synonymous with wealth, but in the current era, living a long and vibrant life is becoming the ultimate measure of prosperity.

This blog explores the trends in positive longevity, emphasising the connection between health, wealth, and the principles of vitalistic chiropractic, against the backdrop of increasing chronic illness, an aging population, and heightened stress levels in Australia.

Health is Wealth:

The age-old saying "health is wealth" takes on a new meaning in our contemporary society. Beyond financial success, individuals are recognising that true prosperity lies in the ability to enjoy a rich, active, and fulfilling life. Positive longevity involves not just adding years to our lifespan but ensuring those years are filled with vitality and well-being.

Seeing The Balance of health: Key Trends In In Australia During The Last Decade

  1. Increasing Chronic Illness: From 2012 to 2022, Australia experienced a notable increase in chronic illnesses. According to reports from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW), conditions like cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and respiratory disorders exhibited a rising trend. This surge in chronic illnesses underscores the urgency for prioritising health as a key asset.

  2. Aging Population: Demographic shifts have been evident, with the aging population becoming more prominent. ABS data indicates a steady rise in life expectancy, resulting in a larger proportion of elderly individuals. As people live longer, the focus on quality of life and healthy aging becomes paramount.

  3. Escalating Stress Levels: The decade witnessed a surge in stress levels, attributed to various factors such as demanding work environments, societal pressures, and lifestyle changes. Studies from mental health organisations pointed to an increased incidence of stress-related disorders. Acknowledging and managing stress became crucial for overall well-being.

As we navigate these health challenges, it becomes imperative to examine the positive counterbalances that have emerged.

  1. The increased emphasis on mental health and the mind-body connection reflects a growing awareness, with efforts directed at reducing stigma, improving access to mental health services, and promoting overall well-being. 

  2. A trend toward heightened awareness of physical activity and wellness has taken root, with initiatives promoting healthy lifestyles, regular exercise, posture and chronic sitting awareness and balanced nutrition gaining popularity. 

  3. There is a discernible shift toward adopting a chemical-free lifestyle and promoting sustainability. As individuals become more conscious of the environmental impact and potential health risks associated with chemicals, there is a growing trend towards choosing eco-friendly, organic alternatives. This reflects a broader awareness of the interconnectedness between personal well-being and the health of the planet.

In essence, the juxtaposition of challenges and positive health trends signifies a nuanced interplay, reinforcing the notion that within the complexities of health, there exists an innate order and balance that takes effect. 

"So, the question that arises is: Which path will you choose?

  • Will you invest a little more in fresh, nutrient-dense fruits and vegetables, or opt for frozen, mass-produced, and sprayed alternatives?

  • Will you carve out time for a rejuvenating walk during your hectic workday, prioritising your well-being? Or will you persistently push through the busyness, neglecting your physical health?

  • When faced with a challenging situation, will you actively seek the positives and growth opportunities, adopting a resilient mindset? Or will you succumb to a victim mentality, perceiving the world as an adversary?

The choices we make in these moments shape our path and influence our well-being. It's about embracing the decisions that align with a healthier, more positive, and growth-oriented life."

The Vital Role of Chiropractic:

Chiropractic aligns seamlessly with the pursuit of positive longevity, especially in the face of rising chronic illnesses, an aging population, and elevated stress levels. This holistic approach recognises the body's innate ability to heal and thrive when given the proper support. By ensuring a well-aligned spine and nervous system, chiropractic care has a direct effect on the nervous system and has been shown to significantly influence sympathetic (stress response) and parasympathetic (1,2) (relax and rest response) that can lead to enhanced overall health. 

In many articles, chiropractic is often talked about as a contributing factor to increased vitality and longevity.

Longevity is no longer just about the quantity of years we live; it's about the quality of those years. Health is the true measure of wealth, and positive longevity is the ultimate currency. 

Embracing vitalistic chiropractic principles, along with adopting a holistic approach to well-being, empowers individuals to invest in their health and create a future filled with vitality and prosperity, even in the face of increasing health challenges.



The role of spinal manipulation in addressing disordered sensorimotor integration and altered motor control

H Haavik, B Murphy - Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, 2012 - Elsevier

The effects of a single session of spinal manipulation on strength and cortical drive in athletes

European Journal of Applied Physiology. Published: 11 January 2018. Volume 118, pages 737–749, (2018) Thomas Lykke Christiansen, Imran Khan Niazi, Kelly Holt, Rasmus Wiberg Nedergaard, Jens Duehr, Kathryn Allen, Paul Marshall, Kemal S. Türker, Jan Hartvigsen & Heidi Haavik

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Bryce Fleming Bryce Fleming

The Pillow Paradox…

Find the right pillow

Your Chirorpactic Guide to Choosing the Perfect Pillow.

Your journey to a healthier spine and better sleep may start with choosing the right pillow.

Chiropractic care emphasises the importance of maintaining proper spinal alignment, and your choice of pillow plays a pivotal role in this. In this blog post, we'll provide a step-by-step guide to help you choose the best pillow to support your chiropractic wellness. Let's dive in!

Step 1: Understand Your Sleeping Position

Before you start shopping for a new pillow, take a moment to identify your primary sleeping position. Different positions require different types of support. Here's what to consider:

Back Sleepers: Look for a medium-firm pillow that supports the natural curve of your neck.

Side Sleepers: Opt for a firmer pillow with extra support to keep your spine aligned.

Stomach Sleepers: Choose a soft, slim pillow to reduce neck strain.

Combination Sleepers: You might need an adjustable or medium-firm pillow to cater to various positions.

Step 2: Assess Pillow Filling Materials

Pillows come in various filling materials, each offering unique benefits:

Memory Foam: Great for contouring to your head and neck, providing excellent support.

Latex: Offers a good balance of support and comfort, with natural hypoallergenic properties.

Feather/Down: Soft and malleable but might not provide adequate support for some.

Synthetic Fills: Suitable for those with allergies, but may lack the support of other materials.

Step 3: Check for Support and Alignment

The primary goal of your pillow is to maintain the natural alignment of your spine. When choosing a pillow, consider these factors:

Proper Alignment: Test whether the pillow maintains the straight alignment of your head, neck, and spine.

Fill Thickness: Ensure the pillow's thickness fills the space between your head and the mattress.

Step 4: Explore Adjustable Pillows

If you're struggling to find the perfect fit, adjustable pillows are a fantastic choice. They allow you to customize the pillow's height and firmness to your liking.

Step 5: Pay Attention to Your Body

Listen to your body during your pillow trial. Spend some time lying in your most common sleep positions and pay attention to any discomfort, pressure points, or support issues.

Step 6: Seek Professional Guidance

If you have specific spinal issues, consider consulting a chiropractor or orthopedic specialist. They can provide tailored recommendations based on your unique needs.

Step 7: Try Before You Buy

Whenever possible, visit a physical store to test different pillows. Don't forget to bring your own pillowcase to maintain hygiene during testing.

Step 8: Read Reviews and Do Your Research

Before making a final decision, read reviews and gather insights from others who have purchased the pillow you're considering. This can help you uncover any long-term issues.

Step 9: Keep Your Budget in Mind

While investing in a quality pillow is essential for your chiropractic wellness, it's important to find a balance between value and affordability. There are great options available in various price ranges.

Step 10: Consider Pillow Accessories

To enhance your spinal support, think about adding accessories such as a cervical roll or supportive mattress toppers.


Choosing the best pillow for is a vital decision that can significantly impact your sleep quality and spinal health. By following these specific steps, you'll be well on your way to a more comfortable, pain-free night's sleep, and a healthier spine.

If you have been on the search for the 'right pillow' because of neck pain or recurring neck problems for some time now, perhaps it is worth discussing this with a registered professional. Our chiropractors at Alignment Chiropractic are specifically trained to help people with the majority of neck and back problems and do so on a daily basis. Click here to book an appointment at our Milsons Point clinic here in Sydney.

Remember, it's not just about the pillow; it's about prioritizing your chiropractic well-being and overall health. So, go ahead and invest in your sleep – your spine will thank you!

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Bryce Fleming Bryce Fleming

Reduce stress and overwhelm by Aligning your life with your values

In today's fast-paced world, stress has become an all-too-familiar companion in our lives. The pressures of work, relationships, and daily responsibilities often leave us feeling overwhelmed and drained. However, there's a powerful tool at your disposal that can help you navigate the turbulent waters of stress while leading a more fulfilled life: understanding your values.

Stop treating the symptoms of stress…. Start addressing the cause. 

Chapter 1: The Power of Values

Values are the guiding principles that shape our beliefs, decisions, and actions. They are often formed throughout your life because you feel like you have missed out on something and want to fulfil this void. They represent what's truly important to us, driving us to pursue our goals and live a life aligned with our authentic selves. When you're aware of your values, you gain clarity about your priorities, making it easier to make choices that resonate with your inner compass.

Chapter 2: Identifying Your Core Values

To start reducing stress, you must first identify your core values. Take some time to reflect on what matters most to you. Is it family, adventure, personal growth, or something else entirely? Create a list of your top values and prioritise them. This exercise alone can provide a profound sense of self-awareness.

Chapter 3: Aligning with Your Values

Once you've identified your core values, it's time to align your life with them. Consider your daily routines, career choices, relationships, and work. Are they in sync with your values? If not, you will find yourself getting frustrated, procrastinating, and feeling stress when you engage in things that are not truly meaningful. The more closely your life aligns with your values, the less internal conflict and stress you'll experience, making it more likely for you to find healing and be present in your life.

Chapter 4: Mindfulness and Stress Reduction

Mindfulness is a powerful practice for reducing stress. By staying present in the moment, you can prevent your mind from dwelling on past regrets or worrying about future uncertainties. Mindfulness meditation, deep breathing exercises, and grounding techniques can help you stay rooted in the now, reducing stress and anxiety.

Chapter 5: Dissecting Stressful Perceptions

Understanding that stress often arises from our perceptions of events can be a game-changer. When you encounter a stressful situation, pause and ask yourself if your perception might be skewed. Could there be alternative interpretations? 

Are you seeing both sides or have you created a selective bias? This simple shift in perspective can significantly reduce stress.

Chapter 6: Cultivating Resilience

As you learn to align with your values, practice mindfulness, and reframe stressful perceptions, you'll build emotional resilience. Stress will still visit from time to time, but you'll be better equipped to navigate its challenges. You'll bounce back more quickly and maintain a sense of inner peace.

Chapter 7: Align Your Physical Health With Your Mental Health

The reason we do not take care of ourselves physically is that we often do not truly value it enough. At first, you might find this statement confronting, but take a moment to stop and reflect. In practice, I often hear, "I don't have time," yet engaging in just a few minutes a day of efficient movement can drastically improve your health.

Those who prioritise their physical health will always manage to find time and resources for it, while those who do not hold health high on their list of values tend to make excuses. This is one of the reasons I love chiropractic. It requires minimal effort and time but can have a profound impact on people's health, as proper movement of the spine has been shown to significantly affect the nervous system and overall well-being.

Want to book a chiro session? Click here

Conclusion: The Path to a Stress-Free Life

Reducing stress isn't about eliminating life's challenges; it's about changing your relationship with them. By understanding your values, aligning your life with them, practicing mindfulness, keeping your physical body well and cultivating resilience, you can embark on a transformative journey towards a stress-free life. Embrace this path, and you'll find harmony, well-being, and alignment to your true self.

Dr Bryce Fleming.

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Bryce Fleming Bryce Fleming

3 Simple Diet Tips to Reduce Stress!

As a chiropractor, I've witnessed the undeniable connection between our diet and stress levels. What we eat can either fuel stress or help us combat it. Here are three specific diet tips to help you reduce stress and promote a healthier, happier life:

  1. Balance Blood Sugar with Breakfast:
    Start your day with a balanced breakfast containing protein and healthy fats. This helps stabilize blood sugar levels, preventing the energy crashes and irritability associated with low blood sugar. Opt for protein sources such as eggs, Greek yogurt, or tofu. Add a handful of nuts or avocado for healthy fats. Eating smaller, balanced meals and snacks throughout the day can also maintain stable blood sugar and keep stress at bay.

  2. Embrace Omega-3 Fatty Acids:
    Omega-3 fatty acids found in fatty fish like salmon, mackerel, and sardines are known for their stress-reducing properties. These healthy fats help regulate stress hormones and have a positive impact on mood. If you're not a fan of fish, consider flaxseeds, chia seeds, or walnuts, which are excellent plant-based sources of omega-3s. Incorporate these into your diet to help keep stress levels in check.

  3. Harness the Power of Herbal Teas:
    Herbal teas are a soothing and effective way to manage stress through diet. Chamomile tea, for instance, contains compounds that have a calming effect on the nervous system, making it an excellent choice for relaxation. Peppermint tea can aid digestion, reducing the physical symptoms of stress like stomach discomfort. Valerian root tea is another option, known for its ability to improve sleep quality, which is often compromised by stress. Make herbal teas a regular part of your daily routine to ease stress and promote overall well-being.

Remember, it's not just about what you eat; it's also about what you don't eat. Limit your intake of processed foods, refined sugars, and excessive caffeine. These can cause energy fluctuations, exacerbate stress, and disrupt your body's equilibrium.

Incorporating these specific dietary strategies into your daily routine can make a substantial difference in your ability to handle stress as well as regular chiropractic care.
By taking control of your diet, you're taking a proactive step towards a less stressful and healthier life.

Remember, maintaining a well-aligned, flexible, and healthy spine can significantly reduce the stress response! If you're eager for a safe and effective chiropractic adjustment, please don't hesitate to call us at (02) 7204 3087.
If you're new to our center, click here to learn more.
Our services are not only effective but also efficient, ensuring you can easily schedule an appointment, and we offer convenient parking right out front.

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Bryce Fleming Bryce Fleming

10 Tips to Conquer Chronic Back Pain and Enjoy Pain-Free Living

According to ABS, in 2020-21, 15.7% of the total population had back pain as a chronic condition? Also, 6.4% of the people had severe bodily pain in the 4 weeks prior to the census. Moreover, in 2022, the total number of residents in North Sydney was 69,256, which means over 10,873 residents of the North Sydney LGA had back pain as their chronic condition and 4,432 people had severe bodily pain. As your body's main support structure, your back must be in top shape, but this is not always the case. Chronic back pain could indicate something is amiss with your health, diet, or lifestyle. Although back pain can be frustrating, it need not get the better of you. Follow these expertly curated tips to defeat back pain and enjoy a pain-free life.

According to ABS, in 2020-21, 15.7% of the total population had back pain as a chronic condition? Also, 6.4% of the people had severe bodily pain in the 4 weeks prior to the census. Moreover, in 2022, the total number of residents in North Sydney was 69,256, which means over 10,873 residents of the North Sydney LGA had back pain as their chronic condition and 4,432 people had severe bodily pain. As your body's main support structure, your back must be in top shape, but this is not always the case. Chronic back pain could indicate something is amiss with your health, diet, or lifestyle. Although back pain can be frustrating, it need not get the better of you. Follow these expertly curated tips to defeat back pain and enjoy a pain-free life.  

1) Maintain a Good Posture  

Concerningly, 34–50% of kids and teens maintain an incorrect posture, while under 20% of them have the right posture. In a mixed group, 70.5% of the sample reported musculoskeletal pain, with 75% complaining of lower back discomfort, which was linked to bad posture due to sedentariness and technology use.  

Watch out for these signs of poor posture:  

  • Rounded shoulders  

  • Forward head position  

  • Hunched back  

  • Slouched sitting or standing  

  • Uneven hips or shoulders  

  • Protruding abdomen  

  • Back or neck pain  

When you notice the signs, here is how you can correct your posture:  

  • Practise postural awareness throughout the day.  

  • Sit and stand tall with your shoulders back and relaxed.  

  • Align your ears with your shoulders, hips, and ankles when standing.  

  • Use ergonomic chairs and desks.  

  • Take breaks to stretch and move regularly. A study recommends devoting 20 seconds to intently looking at an object at a 20-foot distance at 20-minute intervals when using technology.  

  • Strengthen your core muscles through exercises like planks.  

  • Practise yoga or pilates.  

  • Perform posture-correcting exercises like wall angles and chin tucks.  

  • If your situation does not improve, consider professional help from a chiropractor.  

    2) Choose Exercise Over Rest  

This might sound absurd, but exercising during back pain can help combat it. Inactivity is your worst enemy because it only worsens your pain. Prolonged rest leads to muscle deconditioning, making your road to recovery harder and longer. The right blend of exercise and education is essential. According to a study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology, activity decreased lower back pain by 35- 45% and even reduced sick leave due to the condition.  

Here is why exercise trumps rest as a solution to chronic back pain:  

  • Exercises strengthen the muscles supporting your spine, reducing current back pain and preventing future episodes.  

  • Gentle stretches and yoga can loosen your back muscles.  

  • Exercise increases blood flow to your back, encouraging healing and dissipating inflammation.  

  • Regular physical activity helps you control your weight, depressurising your spine.  

  • Exercise triggers the release of endorphins, natural painkillers, relief bringers, and mood improvers.  

  • Staying active can help you cope with the emotional stress often accompanying chronic back pain.  

Try these sensible, effective exercises for back pain—after getting the go-ahead from your healthcare provider:  

  • Cat-cow stretches  

  • Pelvic tilts  

  • Bridging  

  • Partial crouches  

  • Bird dog  

  • Child's pose  

  • Wall sits  

  • Swimming or water aerobics  

  • Low-impact aerobic exercises  

  • Modified yoga or Pilates movements  

  • Pelvic floor exercises (Kegels)  

  • Walking or stationary biking  

3) Apply Ice or Heat 

According to a study, thermotherapy and cryotherapy helped decrease the intensity of lower back pain. The group of patients was observed during four assessments spread over 15 days. Thermotherapy (heat application) works by dilating the circulatory vessels in your back and increasing blood flow to the target area, while cryotherapy (ice application) restricts circulation and briefly diminishes nerve activity, resulting in slight numbness.  

Thermotherapy Options  

  • Warm compress  

  • Heating pad  

  • Warm bath  

  • Hot water bottle  

Cryotherapy Options  

  • Ice pack  

  • Cold compress  

  • Cold gel pack  

  • Ice massage  

When to Use Thermotherapy for Back Pain  

  • Stiff or tense muscles  

  • Muscle spasms  

  • Chronic non-inflammatory back pain  

When to Use Cryotherapy for Back Pain  

  • Acute inflammation or swelling  

  • Recent injury or strain  

  • Sharp or stabbing pain  

  • After exercise to reduce inflammation  

4) Sleep Adequately

Chronic pain often goes hand in hand with not getting enough good sleep. Poor sleep quality can amplify your pain perception, retard your healing and tissue repair, and impair your mood and coping abilities.  

This is how you can improve your sleep quality to decrease your sensitivity to chronic back pain:  

  • Create a comfortable sleep environment.  

  • Establish a consistent sleep schedule.  

  • Practise relaxation techniques before bedtime.  

  • Engage in regular physical activity.  

  • Limit your caffeine and alcohol intake close to bedtime.  

  • Use supportive pillows and mattresses. Medium-firm bedding is helpful if you experience chronic non-specific lower back pain. Research has shown that these mattresses enhanced sleep by 55% and caused chronic back pain reduction in 48% of the respondents.  

  • Manage stress through mindfulness or meditation.  

5) Manage Stress

A study demonstrated that people under intense stress are likely to experience ongoing, long-lasting pain in the lower back. Severe stress increases their risk of chronic lower back pain 2.8x. Stress management techniques can be medical or non-medical.  

Choose from these options:  

  • Deep breathing exercises  

  • Progressive muscle relaxation  

  • Guided imagery or visualisation  

  • Mindfulness meditation  

  • Yoga or gentle stretching  

  • Biofeedback therapy  

  • Journalling or expressive writing  

  • Listening to calming music or nature sounds 

6) Wear the Right Shoes  

Wearing special shoe inserts for six weeks helped people's back pain and made their back work better, especially when compared to a lack of treatment. Unsupportive shoes or models with uneven pressure distribution can lead to vertebral misalignment, resulting in pain, tension, and inflexibility.  

Remember these tips for picking the right footwear:  

  • Opt for shoes with good arch support.  

  • Look for cushioning in the heel and sole.  

  • Ensure proper fit with enough toe room.  

  • Prioritise shoes with a low heel or flat sole.  

  • Choose shoes with a supportive and stable design.  

  • Consider orthotic inserts for additional support.  

  • Avoid high heels or very flat shoes. High heels affect the spine by altering the lordotic curvature in the lumbar region, leading to lumbar hyperlordosis and, eventually, back pain.  

  • Test your shoes by walking around and assessing your comfort.  

  • Select shoes appropriate for your daily activities.  

7) Get Chiropractic Therapy

Out of a cohort of patients with lower back pain, 46% got the right care from chiropractic care. Chiropractic is an allied health profession with 6,285 registered practitioners in Australia. Chiropractors' methods do not involve drugs or surgery. They use their anatomy, physiology, kinetics, and biomechanics knowledge to relieve pain.  

For back pain, a chiropractor may use hands-on, instrument-assisted, or therapeutic techniques to manipulate the spine in order to release tension, realign the vertebral column, and improve mobility and flexibility:  

  • Spinal adjustments or manipulations  

  • Mobilisation techniques  

  • Soft tissue therapy  

  • Stretching and strengthening exercises  

  • Posture and ergonomic advice  

  • Lifestyle and nutritional guidance  

  • Electrical stimulation or ultrasound therapy  

  • Heat or cold therapy  

  • Traction or decompression therapy 

8) Alter Your Workstation  

Research has shown that people with long-lasting lower back pain were those who were more likely to sit still and not move around much when sitting down. People with desk jobs, especially those who worked from home, had a high likelihood of experiencing or developing lower back pain.  

This is how your workstation can contribute to chronic lower back pain:  

  • Poor chair ergonomics and lack of support  

  • Incorrect monitor height, leading to strain  

  • Inadequate lumbar support  

  • Awkward keyboard and mouse placement  

  • Prolonged sitting without breaks  

  • Uncomfortable or unsupported foot positioning  

  • Reaching or straining to access items  

  • Repetitive movements and poor posture  

Incorporate these workstation design recommendations to minimise chronic back pain:  

  • Use an adjustable ergonomic chair with proper lumbar support.  

  • Position your monitor at eye level.  

  • Place your keyboard and mouse at a comfortable height and angle.  

  • Ensure your feet are flat on the floor or supported by a footrest.  

  • Take regular breaks to stand, stretch, or walk around.  

  • Keep frequently used items within easy reach.  

  • Maintain proper posture with your shoulders back and head aligned.  

  • Consider a standing desk or a sit-stand workstation.  

  • Use a cushion or lumbar roll for extra lower back support.  

9) Try a Pain Relief Cream  

Topical analgesic creams may provide temporary relief from chronic back pain. Peruse the label instructions, research, and consult with the right doctors before applying pain relief creams. Take extra care if you have allergies or sensitivities.  

Look into products that match these descriptions for potential back pain relief:  

  • Menthol- or camphor-based creams  

  • Capsaicin cream (derived from chilli peppers)  

  • Lidocaine patches or creams (numbing effect)  

  • Arnica gel (a natural anti-inflammatory)  

  • CBD- or hemp-infused creams  

  • Eucalyptus oil-based creams  

  • Tiger Balm (herbal blend with a warming sensation)  

  • NSAID-based topical gels  

  • Magnesium oil or lotion (muscle relaxant)  

  • Peppermint oil-infused creams  

  • Aloe vera gel (for soothing and cooling)  

  • Lavender oil-infused creams  

10) Eat Right  

It is no secret that your body responds and reacts to what you put inside it. According to a study published in National Library of Medicine; a diet that is low in protein, rich in sugar, and high in fat is linked to chronic low back pain. Processed foods can increase back pain because they aggravate inflammation. A high-fat diet can contribute to weight gain, stressing the spine and worsening pain. Unbalanced nutrition can deprive you of nutrients essential for muscle health, weakening support.  

Recommended Foods for Back Pain  

  • Fatty fish (anti-inflammatory omega-3s)  

  • Leafy greens (vitamins for muscle function)  

  • Berries (antioxidants for tissue repair)  

  • Nuts and seeds (healthy fats and protein)  

  • Whole grains (fibre for weight management)  

  • Lean proteins (amino acids for muscle health)  

  • Colourful fruits (vitamins and antioxidants)  

  • Ginger and turmeric (anti-inflammatory properties)  

  • Calcium-rich foods (strong vertebrae)  

  • Foods high in vitamin D (bone health)  

  • Water (hydration for spinal discs)  

Foods to Avoid for Back Pain  

  • Sugary snacks and drinks (inflammation)  

  • Processed foods (inflammation and weight gain)  

  • Excess caffeine and alcohol (dehydration)  

  • High-sodium foods (water retention)  


Taking these steps to heart can make a world of difference if you are grappling with chronic back pain. By implementing the ten strategies discussed in this article, you will not just take the edge off back pain but reclaim your life and secure a pain-free future. Remember, you are not alone in this journey.  Approximately 4 million Australians are intimately familiar with the challenges posed by back issues. By passing around these tips, supporting one another, and seeking chiropractic care from Alignment Chiropractic, you can conquer chronic back pain and pave your path to a healthy life. 

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Bryce Fleming Bryce Fleming

Chiropractic and more Energy? The Connection

We understand that life's demands often keep us busy, and sometimes, our visits to the chiropractor might take a backseat. One of the things we hear time and time again from people who haven’t had an adjustment for a while is “I forgot how good this felt”.

But what is this ‘feeling’ and why do we often experience it when we have a chiropractic adjustment?

We understand that life's demands often keep us busy, and sometimes, our visits to the chiropractor might take a backseat. One of the things we hear time and time again from people who haven’t had an adjustment for a while is “I forgot how good this felt”.

But what is this ‘feeling’ and why do we often experience it when we have a chiropractic adjustment?

Let’s take a look….

The Marvel of Your Nervous System

Have you ever wondered why you feel so much better after a chiropractic adjustment? The answer lies within one of the most intricate and vital systems in your body: the nervous system. Think of it as the command centre that orchestrates every function, sensation, and emotion in your body.

When your nervous system functions optimally, you experience a seamless flow of signals between your brain and the rest of your body. This translates to better communication, improved coordination, and enhanced vitality.

However, life's stresses, accidents, sitting, sitting, sitting…. Did we mention sitting? and even prolonged periods without care can lead to spinal misalignments, impeding this vital communication.

A helpful analogy is to think of an adjustment as turning up the power in your body. This enables you to navigate life's stressors with greater ease and enjoy an improved overall sense of well-being.

The Gift of Feeling Aligned

Imagine your nervous system as a symphony. Each instrument represents a part of your body, and when they play harmoniously, you experience the beauty of well-being. Chiropractic care acts as a conductor, ensuring that every instrument plays its part perfectly.

When you're under chiropractic care, the misalignments are gently corrected, allowing your nervous system to function at its best. This often results in a cascade of positive effects. You might notice that headaches become less frequent, your posture improves, and your movements feel more fluid. It's like suddenly tuning into a frequency of vitality you'd almost forgotten.

Reconnecting with Your Emotions

The emotions we experience are intricately tied to our nervous system. Have you ever felt more relaxed, at ease, and even happier after an adjustment? This isn't just coincidental. A clear and balanced nervous system can have a profound impact on your emotional state.

When stressors are relieved from your nervous system, you're able to better regulate your emotions. The cloud of tension and discomfort lifts, making way for a sense of calm and positivity. It's not uncommon for patients to describe a feeling of lightness and joy after their chiropractic sessions.

Embracing Long-Term Wellness

We understand that life can be busy, and sometimes health takes a backseat. However, your well-being is an ongoing journey, and we're here to support you at every step. Just like you maintain your car to keep it running smoothly, regular chiropractic care ensures that your body is finely tuned for optimal performance.

Returning to our care after an absence can be a transformative experience. It's like reconnecting with an old friend who knows you inside out. We're here to listen, to adjust, and to help you navigate the complexities of life with greater ease.

Your Journey Back to Wellness

As you reflect on your well-being journey, consider the remarkable ways chiropractic care can enhance your life. The feeling of alignment, the positive emotional shifts, and the overall sense of vitality are within reach once again.

We invite you to come back and experience the transformative effects of chiropractic care. We're excited to reconnect, listen to your needs, and work together toward your health goals.

If you feel like it is time for an adjustment feel free to call us on 7204 3087 or click here to book an appointment.
(Disregard that the online booking is only for new people…. We will know it is you!)

Yours in health,

Bryce and the Alignment Team :)

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