
Enhance your athletic form, prevent injuries, and promote rapid recovery. Our proven expertise will help you reach the top of your game and unlock peak physical performance. 

Elevate Sports Performance & Recover Faster

Do you want to elevate your shape and form when playing sports or recover fast from an injury? Alignment Chiropractic’s sports chiropractic care includes personalised treatment for improving joint flexibility, reducing muscle strains, and promoting faster recovery from injuries. We can help you achieve peak performance with confidence and precision. 

What is Sports Chiropractic?

Sports chiropractic is a specialised treatment focused on optimising your athletic performance. Our approach combines chiropractic care, functional assessments, and personalised treatment plans to address your athletic needs and goals. Our treatment is suitable for beginners, intermediates, and professionals in sports like golf, swimming, martial arts, surfing, weightlifting, etc. 

What Does Our Sports Chiropractic Treatment Include? 

Here are some key aspects of our sports chiropractic treatment at Alignment Chiropractic. 

Functional assessment
Our chiropractor conducts comprehensive assessments to identify biomechanical imbalances, muscle weaknesses, and areas for improvement. This thorough evaluation forms the foundation for your treatment plan. 

Individualised treatment plan
Based on the assessment results and your athletic goals, we create custom treatment plans. These plans may include chiropractic adjustments, targeted exercises, stretches, and modalities to enhance athletic performance. 

Improving range of motion
With our chiropractic adjustments, we address your joint restrictions and muscle tension, promoting better range of motion for fluid movement. 

Addressing muscular imbalances
Our chiropractor employs specialised techniques to address your muscle weakness and enhance your strength and stability. 

Injury prevention
By optimising your body’s biomechanics, chiropractic care can help prevent sports-related injuries and reduce the risk of recurrent issues.

Recovery and rehabilitation
We give you tailored strategies for post-activity recovery and injury rehabilitation. We collaborate with you to ensure an efficient recovery process.

Sport-specific training
We understand that each sport requires its own set of skills and techniques. Dr Bryce Fleming works with you to enhance your performance in golf, swimming, surfing, martial arts, and weightlifting or any other sport you choose to play. 

Experiencing These Symptoms?

  • Diminished athletic performance 

  • Low range of motion 

  • Insufficient muscle strength and balance 

  • Frequent injuries and high downtime 

  • Decreased mental focus and resilience 

  • Slow recovery after training 

Benefits of Chiropractic Treatment for Sports

  • Natural pain relief and healing 

  • Faster recovery and rehabilitation 

  • Improved joint and muscle function 

  • Targeted care for specific sports 

  • Personalised treatment plans 

  • Restored range of motion and flexibility 

  • Enhanced athletic performance 

  • Prevention of future injuries 

  • Non-invasive and drug-free approach 

  • Holistic care for overall well-being  

Why Pick Alignment Chiropractic?

  • Research-based methods 

  • Qualified, licensed, experienced staff 

  • Compassionate, supportive environment 

  • Suitable for all ages 

  • Registered with AHPRA 

  • Accredited by the Chiropractic Board of Australia 

  • Diverse health insurance coverage 

Your Convenience Matters 

Meet Dr Bryce Fleming 

Dr Bryce Fleming is a well-respected chiropractor in Sydney, keynote wellness speaker, author, and developer of the highly acclaimed Wellness From Home program. He obtained his Master’s in Chiropractic from Macquarie University in 2006. He is the Principal Chiropractor at Sydney’s Alignment Chiropractic in Milsons Point. He founded Alignment Chiropractic in 2016 with the intention of creating monumental positive change in the physical fitness, emotional health, vitality, and strength of every person under his care.

As a chiropractor, Dr Bryce is known for his ability to help his patients look, feel, and perform at their best. He uses his extensive knowledge to help people of all ages, from mums and bubs to professional athletes and business professionals, find the root cause of their health challenges and develop personalised programs for improved health and function. He believes in empowering his patients with the tools they need to take control of their spine and their health, helping them to achieve their goals. 

We Also Treat

Back Pain

Banish back pain and reclaim the ability to move and sleep peacefully. Our expert chiropractor for back pain will guide you with a gentle and firm hand towards a pain-free existence so that walking and resting will no longer be a waking nightmare. Trust us when we say we’ve got your back. 

Frozen Shoulder

Raise your arm if your shoulders feel great! What's that? You can’t raise your arm? Let us help you thaw the stiffness of your frozen shoulder. Consult our chiropractor in Sydney and you can embrace the joy of painlessness with open arms—quite literally. 

Neck Pain 

Neck pain can be... a real pain in the neck. Trust our skilled hands and experience, and you will be able to bob your head in conversation, shake it to the beat of your favourite music, and regain full motion to observe your surroundings. Find relief with our chiropractor for neck pain today. 

Poor Posture 

Discomfort and self-doubt go hand-in-hand due to poor posture. Our chiropractor for posture can help align your spine, improve your posture while relieving pain, and position you for confidence and well-being. Get bent into shape by our posture chiropractor and feel wonderful at work, school, or play. 


‘Oh, shoot!’ is something you shouldn’t have to exclaim whenever you sit. The simple acts of walking standing, and bending should feel natural and effortless, devoid of apprehension and anticipation of pain. Stop sciatica from dictating your every step and enjoy better quality of life. 

Our Industry Associations 

Frequently Asked Questions

  • At Alignment Chiropractic, we attempt to improve your golf performance by addressing your biomechanical imbalances, enhancing your flexibility, and increasing your joint mobility. By doing so, we help you improve your swing mechanics, achieve a better posture, and reduce the risk of golf-related injuries. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.

  • Dr Bryce Fleming undertakes to boost your swimming endurance by optimising your spinal alignment, improving your breathing mechanics, and reducing your muscle tension in order to improve your stroke efficiency and overall swimming performance. Book a session with us to improve your swimming capabilities.

  • Alignment Chiropractic aims to enhance your weightlifting performance by promoting proper lifting mechanics, increasing your muscle strength, and addressing your muscle imbalances so that you can improve your technique, reduce the risk of injuries, and improve your overall lifting capabilities. Visit our centre to boost your weightlifting abilities.

  • Our team endeavours to improve your surf performance by increasing your spinal stability, enhancing your flexibility, and improving your body awareness to improve your board balance and paddling efficiency and reduce the risk of surf-related injuries. Book an appointment with us to improve your surf performance.

  • No, sports chiropractic is not only for professional athletes. At Alignment Chiropractic, we treat athletes of all levels, from beginners to seasoned competitors, as well as people engaged in recreational sports or physical activities. Our sports chiropractic care aims to optimise performance, prevent injuries, and support your overall well-being, depending on your athletic goals. Come see us today, whether you are a professional athlete or a beginner.

  • An initial treatment session for sports injuries at Alignment Chiropractic is $110, and follow-up sessions, if required, start from $65. Chiropractic care in Australia is covered by private health insurance and by Medicare or NDIS in some cases. We recommend you discuss and confirm the coverage with your insurance company, Medicare, or NDIS.

Game-changing chiropractic care to level up your game 

Go from setback to comeback with sports chiropractic solutions from Alignment Chiropractic. Score big, and don’t let anything steal your victory.