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Back Pain

17+ years of experience in providing chiropractic care to patients with lower and upper back pain. 

Relief from
back pain 

According to ABS, in 2020-21, 15.7% of the total population had back pain as a chronic condition, and 6.4% of the population had severe bodily pain in the 4 weeks prior to the survey.

In 2022, the total number of residents in North Sydney LGA were 69,256; which means over 10,873 residents had back pain as their chronic condition and 4432 people had severe bodily pain. 

If you are one among those people, don’t let back pain keep you from living your life to the fullest. Trust our expert chiropractor at Alignment Chiropractic to find pain relief.

What is
Back Pain? 

Back pain is characterised as discomfort that begins in the back, neck, or hips. It is a common condition that can range in intensity from mild discomfort to severe agony. It has multiple causes and manifestations. It can be debilitating and significantly impact daily activities, leading to discomfort and reduced quality of life.

Alignment Chiropractic deals with two main categories: upper back pain and lower back pain. 

Upper Back Pain 

Upper back pain, also known as middle back pain, refers to discomfort or stiffness in the thoracic region, which is the area between the base of the neck and the bottom of the ribcage. This section of the spine is designed to stabilise and support the upper body, including the ribs and vital organs.

You may see our expert chiropractor at Alignment Chiropractic for upper back pain in these cases: 

Muscular strain
Straining or overexerting the muscles in the upper back, often due to poor posture, improper lifting techniques, or repetitive movements. 

Poor ergonomics
Prolonged periods of sitting or standing in incorrect positions, such as slouching or hunching over a desk or computer. 

Trauma from accidents, falls, or sports-related activities can lead to upper back pain. 

Herniated discs
The cushions between the vertebrae may bulge or rupture, pressurising nearby nerves and causing discomfort. 

Degenerative conditions
Conditions like osteoarthritis, spinal stenosis, or degenerative disc disease can contribute to upper back pain. 

Lower Back Pain 

Lower back pain affects the lumbar region, the lower part of the spine located between the ribcage and the pelvis. It is often characterised by dull or sharp discomfort, stiffness, or limited mobility.

Dr Bryce Fleming at Alignment Chiropractic can help reduce your lower back pain in cases like:

Muscular strain
Overstretching or tearing the muscles or ligaments in the lower back, often from heavy lifting, sudden movements, or poor body mechanics. 

Compression or irritation of the sciatic nerve, which extends from the lower back through the buttocks and down the leg, leading to radiating pain, numbness, or tingling. 

Disc problems
Herniated or bulging discs, where the gel-like material inside the spinal discs protrudes and pressurises the nerves, causing pain. 

Spinal abnormalities
Conditions like scoliosis (abnormal curvature of the spine) or spinal misalignments (subluxations) can contribute to lower back pain. 

Lifestyle factors
Sedentary lifestyles, obesity, poor posture, and improper lifting techniques can increase the risk of lower back pain. 

Experiencing These Symptoms?

  • Persistent aching or stiffness in the upper or lower back. 

  • Sharp, shooting pain in the back that radiates down the legs. 

  • Limited mobility and difficulty bending or twitching. 

  • Muscle spasms or tightness in the back. 

  • Numbness or tingling in the back, buttocks, or legs. 

  • Dull, constant pain in the lower back. 

  • Difficulty finding a comfortable sleeping position. 

  • Pain aggravated by lifting, bending, or coughing. 

  • Weakness or instability in the back or legs. 

  • Increased pain during or after physical activity or exercise. 

Benefits of Chiropractic Treatment for Back Pain

  • Pain relief without medication. 

  • Non-invasive and drug-free approach. 

  • Improved spinal alignment. 

  • Enhanced flexibility and range of motion. 

  • Reduction in muscle tension and spasms. 

  • Increased overall body function. 

  • Customised treatment plans for individual needs. 

  • Improved posture and body mechanics. 

Why Alignment Chiropractic?

Scientifically proven methods 

Qualified, licensed, experienced staff 

Compassionate, supportive environment 

Suitable for all ages 

Registered with AHPRA 

Accredited by the Chiropractic Board of Australia 

Diverse health insurance coverage 

Convenience Matters 

Under 3 minutes wait time 

Available 37 hours a week 

Ample street parking 

Ground floor location 

Optimal time slots for busy professionals

Just 200 m from Milsons Point Station 

Only 900 m from North Sydney Station 

Meet Dr Bryce Fleming 

Dr Bryce Fleming is a well-respected chiropractor in Sydney, keynote wellness speaker, author, and developer of the highly acclaimed Wellness From Home program. He obtained his Master’s in Chiropractic from Macquarie University in 2006. He is the Principal Chiropractor at Sydney’s Alignment Chiropractic in Milsons Point. He founded Alignment Chiropractic in 2016 with the intention of creating monumental positive change in the physical fitness, emotional health, vitality, and strength of every person under his care.

As a chiropractor, Dr Bryce is known for his ability to help his patients look, feel, and perform at their best. He uses his extensive knowledge to help people of all ages, from mums and bubs to professional athletes and business professionals, find the root cause of their health challenges and develop personalised programs for improved health and function. He believes in empowering his patients with the tools they need to take control of their spine and their health, helping them to achieve their goals. 

We Also Treat

Neck Pain 

Neck pain can be... a real pain in the neck. Trust our skilled hands and experience, and you will be able to bob your head in conversation, shake it to the beat of your favourite music, and regain full motion to observe your surroundings. Find relief with our chiropractor for neck pain today. 


‘Oh, shoot!’ is something you shouldn’t have to exclaim whenever you sit. The simple acts of walking standing, and bending should feel natural and effortless, devoid of apprehension and anticipation of pain. Stop sciatica from dictating your every step and enjoy better quality of life. 

Frozen Shoulder

Raise your arm if your shoulders feel great! What's that? You can’t raise your arm? Let us help you thaw the stiffness of your frozen shoulder. Consult our chiropractor in Sydney and you can embrace the joy of painlessness with open arms—quite literally. 

Poor Posture 

Discomfort and self-doubt go hand-in-hand due to poor posture. Our chiropractor for posture can help align your spine, improve your posture while relieving pain, and position you for confidence and well-being. Get bent into shape by our posture chiropractor and feel wonderful at work, school, or play. 


People who play sports are prone to injuries due to excessive muscle and joint strain. Our chiropractors are skilled in sports chiropractic care. They can help fine-tune your body mechanics, boost flexibility, and optimise your strength for peak performance in golf, swimming, weightlifting, martial arts, and surfing. 

Our Industry Associations

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Chiropractors primarily focus on diagnosing and treating conditions related to the musculoskeletal system, particularly the spine, through spinal adjustments and manipulations. However, physiotherapists use exercise therapy, electrotherapy, and rehabilitation exercises to address musculoskeletal issues. Read our blog to understand the chiropractor vs physiotherapist differences in detail.

  • Ah, the famous chiropractor back crack! The cracking sound comes from the release of gas bubbles within the joint fluid. At Alignment Chiropractic, our expert chiropractor cracks your back with the utmost professionalism and care. This relieves pressure, reduces pain, and improves overall spinal function. Contact us for a session of spinal decompression.

  • At Alignment Chiropractic, we use techniques like spinal adjustments, traction, and decompression therapy to alleviate pain and reduce pressure on bulging or herniated discs. Our treatment plans are tailored to your needs, focusing on restoring proper spinal alignment and promoting well-being. Get in touch to schedule your appointment.

  • Our chiropractors improve spinal alignment and reduce curvature progression by using various techniques, such as spinal adjustments, corrective exercises, and postural education. While chiropractic care cannot completely reverse scoliosis, it can help manage symptoms and improve quality of life. Book your spinal alignment session today.

  • Our chiropractor will advise you to maintain proper posture, use supportive chairs and ergonomic workstations, take regular breaks to stretch, and practise correct lifting techniques. He may also suggest exercises to strengthen the core muscles and promote spinal stability. Receive effective chiropractic care and ergonomic advice from us.

  • The number of sessions for treating back pain vary depending on the region of pain (upper or lower back), the severity of pain, your condition and response to the treatment. In some cases, you may see significant improvement within a few sessions, while chronic or complex cases may require ongoing care over a longer period. Dr Bryce Fleming at Alignment Chiropractic creates personalised treatment plans according to your needs and progress. Book your session online.

  • An initial back pain treatment session at Alignment Chiropractic is $110, and follow-up sessions, if required, start from $65. Chiropractic care in Australia is covered by private health insurance and by Medicare or NDIS in some cases. We recommend you discuss and confirm the coverage with your insurance company, Medicare, or NDIS.

Don’t suffer in silence. Alignment Chiropractic can soothe and strengthen your achy breaky back and write your comeback story with you. Trust us when we say we’ve got your back. 

Get back in action with chiropractic back pain relief