Health Hacks - Episode 12: Alison Van Vuuren

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With over 27 years experience, Alison is able to assist you to return to a state of inner peace and aliveness. Alison can support you to release discomfort and trauma within your body, mind or soul to reveal that calmer place within you. This includes any limiting beliefs you’ve created along the way like “I’m not good enough” we all create beliefs from our life experiences it’s what we then make them mean that can cause the Dis-Ease. Alison simply loves being a powerful facilitator for change! Allowing you to experience peace, contentment, compassion, joy and ease, all of which are your natural state of being.  When we commit to taking the journey within by getting to know our selves better, using the challenges in our life as opportunities for growth, we are far more equipped to enjoy a colourful life.

*** All material included in the Health Hacks podcast and found on the Alignment Chiropractic and Health Website is intended to be of a general nature only, and is included for the sole purpose of providing general information. Material included in this website does not, and is not intended to constitute advice or any statement on which reliance should be placed. The content is purely a reflexion of the thoughts and experiences of Dr Bryce Fleming (chiropractor) and his guests. Users should seek advice as appropriate from a professionally qualified  on all specific situations and conditions of concern to them. 


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