Health Hacks episode 15: Patty Kikos

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Patty Kikos has 17 years of experience as a counsellor, more than a decade as a wedding celebrant, is a Reiki master, energy healer, kinesiologist, hatha + kundalini yoga virtuoso. She was the 1st Australian kundalini yoga teacher to launch an e-course back in 2012 and has now created a life changing toolkit for you to access online when you’re too busy to get to a yoga class, or when you’re travelling for work.

Her superpower is being able to demystify the woo woo in the wellness industry so that everyday people can easily transform their lives.

- This is a must listen episode if you have ever wanted simple, easy to follow advice to help you get well and become more 'Aligned'


*** All material included in the Health Hacks podcast and found on the Alignment Chiropractic and Health Website is intended to be of a general nature only, and is included for the sole purpose of providing general information. Material included in this website does not, and is not intended to constitute advice or any statement on which reliance should be placed. The content is purely a reflection of the thoughts and experiences of Dr Bryce Fleming (chiropractor) and his guests. Users should seek advice as appropriate from a professionally qualified  on all specific situations and conditions of concern to them. 


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Health Hacks episode 14: David Nowland