Wellness Blog

Bryce Fleming Bryce Fleming

Balancing Omega-3 and Omega-6 Fatty Acids: The Importance and Benefits of Supplementation

Balancing Omega-3 and Omega-6 Fatty Acids: The Importance and Benefits of Supplementation

Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids are two types of essential fatty acids that play a vital role in our health. These fatty acids are crucial components of our cell membranes and are involved in various physiological processes, including the regulation of inflammation, blood clotting, and brain function. Although both omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids are essential for our health, it is important to maintain a balance between these two types of fatty acids to ensure optimal health outcomes.

The typical Western diet is often heavily skewed towards omega-6 fatty acids, with an average intake of 15-17 times more omega-6 fatty acids than omega-3 fatty acids. This imbalance can have adverse effects on our health, leading to chronic inflammation and an increased risk of various chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, depression, and neurodegenerative diseases. On the other hand, increasing the intake of omega-3 fatty acids and decreasing the intake of omega-6 fatty acids has been shown to have a range of health benefits, including reducing inflammation, improving heart health, and enhancing brain function.

We recommend and stock Innate Choice Omega 3 fish oil due to the purity and the extremely high quality extraction techniques they use.

One of the key benefits of supplementing with omega-3 fatty acids is their ability to reduce inflammation. Inflammation is a key factor in the development of many chronic diseases, including cardiovascular disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and certain types of cancer. Omega-3 fatty acids have anti-inflammatory properties, and supplementing with these fatty acids has been shown to reduce inflammation and improve the symptoms of various inflammatory conditions. For example, a meta-analysis of 16 randomised controlled trials found that omega-3 fatty acid supplementation was associated with a significant reduction in the levels of markers of inflammation, including C-reactive protein and interleukin-6 (IL-6) (Simopoulos, 2002).

In addition to their anti-inflammatory properties, omega-3 fatty acids also have a number of other health benefits. For example, omega-3 fatty acids are known to be beneficial for heart health, and supplementing with these fatty acids has been shown to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. One large meta-analysis of 20 studies found that omega-3 fatty acid supplementation was associated with a significant reduction in the risk of heart attack, stroke, and death from heart disease (Rizos et al., 2012).

Another study found that omega-3 fatty acid supplementation was associated with a reduction in the risk of sudden cardiac death (Mozaffarian et al., 2005).

Omega-3 fatty acids are also important for brain health, and supplementing with these fatty acids has been shown to improve cognitive function and reduce the risk of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease and depression. A systematic review of 17 studies found that omega-3 fatty acid supplementation was associated with a significant improvement in cognitive function, including memory and attention (Yurko-Mauro et al., 2010). Another study found that omega-3 fatty acid supplementation was associated with a reduction in the risk of depression (Lin et al., 2010).

Not sure if supplementation if right for you? Best to talk to your registered health professional.

In conclusion, balancing the intake of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids is important for optimal health outcomes. The typical Western diet is often heavily skewed towards omega-6 fatty acids, leading to chronic inflammation and an increased risk of various chronic diseases. Increasing the intake of omega-3 fatty acids and decreasing the intake of omega-6 fatty acids has been shown to have a range of health benefits, including reducing inflammation, improving heart health, and enhancing brain function. Supplementing with omega-3 fatty acids is an effective way to increase the intake of these essential fatty acids and reap the health benefits associated with a balanced omega.

Balancing Omega-3 and Omega-6 Fatty Acids: The Importance and Benefits of Supplementation

Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids are two types of essential fatty acids that play a vital role in our health. These fatty acids are crucial components of our cell membranes and are involved in various physiological processes, including the regulation of inflammation, blood clotting, and brain function. Although both omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids are essential for our health, it is important to maintain a balance between these two types of fatty acids to ensure optimal health outcomes.

The typical Western diet is often heavily skewed towards omega-6 fatty acids, with an average intake of 15-17 times more omega-6 fatty acids than omega-3 fatty acids. This imbalance can have adverse effects on our health, leading to chronic inflammation and an increased risk of various chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, depression, and neurodegenerative diseases. On the other hand, increasing the intake of omega-3 fatty acids and decreasing the intake of omega-6 fatty acids has been shown to have a range of health benefits, including reducing inflammation, improving heart health, and enhancing brain function.

We recommend and stock Innate Choice Omega 3 fish oil due to the purity and the extremely high quality extraction techniques they use.

One of the key benefits of supplementing with omega-3 fatty acids is their ability to reduce inflammation. Inflammation is a key factor in the development of many chronic diseases, including cardiovascular disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and certain types of cancer. Omega-3 fatty acids have anti-inflammatory properties, and supplementing with these fatty acids has been shown to reduce inflammation and improve the symptoms of various inflammatory conditions. For example, a meta-analysis of 16 randomised controlled trials found that omega-3 fatty acid supplementation was associated with a significant reduction in the levels of markers of inflammation, including C-reactive protein and interleukin-6 (IL-6) (Simopoulos, 2002).

In addition to their anti-inflammatory properties, omega-3 fatty acids also have a number of other health benefits. For example, omega-3 fatty acids are known to be beneficial for heart health, and supplementing with these fatty acids has been shown to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. One large meta-analysis of 20 studies found that omega-3 fatty acid supplementation was associated with a significant reduction in the risk of heart attack, stroke, and death from heart disease (Rizos et al., 2012).

Another study found that omega-3 fatty acid supplementation was associated with a reduction in the risk of sudden cardiac death (Mozaffarian et al., 2005).

Omega-3 fatty acids are also important for brain health, and supplementing with these fatty acids has been shown to improve cognitive function and reduce the risk of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease and depression. A systematic review of 17 studies found that omega-3 fatty acid supplementation was associated with a significant improvement in cognitive function, including memory and attention (Yurko-Mauro et al., 2010). Another study found that omega-3 fatty acid supplementation was associated with a reduction in the risk of depression (Lin et al., 2010).

Not sure if supplementation if right for you? Best to talk to your registered health professional.

In conclusion, balancing the intake of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids is important for optimal health outcomes. The typical Western diet is often heavily skewed towards omega-6 fatty acids, leading to chronic inflammation and an increased risk of various chronic diseases. Increasing the intake of omega-3 fatty acids and decreasing the intake of omega-6 fatty acids has been shown to have a range of health benefits, including reducing inflammation, improving heart health, and enhancing brain function. Supplementing with omega-3 fatty acids is an effective way to increase the intake of these essential fatty acids and reap the health benefits associated with a balanced omega.

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Bryce Fleming Bryce Fleming

What is more important? Nutrition, fitness or chiropractic?

When it comes to optimizing one's health, three popular models that are often recommended are nutrition, fitness, and chiropractic. Each of these approaches can provide unique benefits, and they all have evidence-based research to support their effectiveness.

Though the questions still stands, which one is more important?

Nutrition is critical for overall health, as it provides the body with essential nutrients necessary for optimal functioning. A balanced diet consisting of whole foods can help reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes.

Fitness is also essential for good health, as it helps reduce the risk of chronic diseases, improve physical and mental wellbeing, and maintain a healthy weight. Regular physical activity can increase muscle mass, improve bone density, and reduce the risk of osteoporosis.

Chiropractic is a holistic approach that aims to restore balance to the body's nervous system through chiropractic adjustments, nutritional counseling, and lifestyle modifications. Research has shown that chiropractic care can help reduce pain, improve posture, and enhance the body's natural healing abilities.

While each of these models has unique benefits, they are not mutually exclusive. Combining proper nutrition, regular exercise, and wellness chiropractic care can provide a comprehensive approach to optimizing one's health. For example, a balanced diet can provide the energy necessary for exercise, and regular chiropractic adjustments can help prevent injury and improve joint function during physical activity. Additionally, chiropractic care can help identify and address underlying issues that may be contributing to chronic health problems.

Here at Alignment Chiropractic we focus on all three aspects, as we know the benefits a well rounded health regime can make to a person’s life. We have seen miraculous results.

A combination of nutrition, fitness, and wellness chiropractic care can be an effective approach to optimizing one's health. By incorporating all three into your health routine, you can improve your overall physical and mental wellbeing.

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Don’t worry about sounding professional. Sound like you. There are over 1.5 billion websites out there, but your story is what’s going to separate this one from the rest. If you read the words back and don’t hear your own voice in your head, that’s a good sign you still have more work to do.

Be clear, be confident and don’t overthink it. The beauty of your story is that it’s going to continue to evolve and your site can evolve with it. Your goal should be to make it feel right for right now. Later will take care of itself. It always does.

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Bryce Fleming Bryce Fleming

Three reasons parents get their children checked by their chiropractor during school holidays

When it is school holidays time, parents often find themselves looking for ways to keep their children healthy and active. One increasingly popular option is to take their children to a chiropractor for a check-up. Chiropractors are healthcare professionals who a specifically trained in spinal health for people of all ages.

Here are three reasons why parents may choose to have their children checked by your chiropractor during school holidays.

1. To Address developing postural Issues

Many children today have heavy backpacks, spend hours sitting at desks and/or hunched over electronic devices, which can lead to poor posture, back pain and long term spinal damage . This is especially true for children who participate in sports or other physical activities, which can put additional strain on the spine and joints. Your chiropractor can perform a thorough examination to identify any postural issues or imbalances that may be contributing to developing posture problems.

Click here to receive a complementary back pack, spinal and posture check-up for your child. Quote “School Holiday Check-Up”

2. To Enhance Sports Performance

Sports and physical activity are an important part of many children's lives, but they can also put a significant strain on the body. Regular chiropractic care can help to improve joint mobility, reduce inflammation, and enhance overall athletic performance. By keeping the body functioning at its best, chiropractic care can help children to avoid injuries and perform at their best during sports and other physical activities.

3. To Improve Overall Health and Well-Being

Chiropractic care is not just about addressing specific conditions or injuries. It can also help to improve overall health and well-being by promoting proper alignment of the spine and other joints. This has been reported to have a positive impact on many different aspects of health, including immune function, digestion, and even mental health.

By keeping the body functioning optimally, chiropractic care can help children to feel better, perform better, and enjoy better overall health and well-being.

There are many reasons why parents may choose to have their children checked by a chiropractor during school holidays. Whether it's to address back pain and postural issues, enhance sports performance, or improve overall health and well-being, chiropractic care can provide many benefits for children of all ages. If you're considering chiropractic care for your child, be sure to find a qualified and experienced chiropractor who loves looking after children and has experience doing so. Dr Bryce has over 17 years experience and has two children. With the right care, your child may be able to prevent the exponential growth of postural and spinal problems now seen in adolescents and young adults and help your children enjoy life then way nature intended.

Click here to receive a complementary back pack, spinal and posture check-up for your child. Quote “School Holiday Check-Up”

When it is school holidays time, parents often find themselves looking for ways to keep their children healthy and active. One increasingly popular option is to take their children to a chiropractor for a check-up. Chiropractors are healthcare professionals who a specifically trained in spinal health for people of all ages.

Here are three reasons why parents may choose to have their children checked by your chiropractor during school holidays.

1. To Address developing postural Issues

Many children today have heavy backpacks, spend hours sitting at desks and/or hunched over electronic devices, which can lead to poor posture, back pain and long term spinal damage . This is especially true for children who participate in sports or other physical activities, which can put additional strain on the spine and joints. Your chiropractor can perform a thorough examination to identify any postural issues or imbalances that may be contributing to developing posture problems.

Click here to receive a complementary back pack, spinal and posture check-up for your child. Quote “School Holiday Check-Up”

2. To Enhance Sports Performance

Sports and physical activity are an important part of many children's lives, but they can also put a significant strain on the body. Regular chiropractic care can help to improve joint mobility, reduce inflammation, and enhance overall athletic performance. By keeping the body functioning at its best, chiropractic care can help children to avoid injuries and perform at their best during sports and other physical activities.

3. To Improve Overall Health and Well-Being

Chiropractic care is not just about addressing specific conditions or injuries. It can also help to improve overall health and well-being by promoting proper alignment of the spine and other joints. This has been reported to have a positive impact on many different aspects of health, including immune function, digestion, and even mental health.

By keeping the body functioning optimally, chiropractic care can help children to feel better, perform better, and enjoy better overall health and well-being.

There are many reasons why parents may choose to have their children checked by a chiropractor during school holidays. Whether it's to address back pain and postural issues, enhance sports performance, or improve overall health and well-being, chiropractic care can provide many benefits for children of all ages. If you're considering chiropractic care for your child, be sure to find a qualified and experienced chiropractor who loves looking after children and has experience doing so. Dr Bryce has over 17 years experience and has two children. With the right care, your child may be able to prevent the exponential growth of postural and spinal problems now seen in adolescents and young adults and help your children enjoy life then way nature intended.

Click here to receive a complementary back pack, spinal and posture check-up for your child. Quote “School Holiday Check-Up”

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Bryce Fleming Bryce Fleming

Standing or Sitting - Which is Best for Your Spinal Health?

In today's digital age, most of us spend a significant portion of our day sitting at a desk or working on a computer. Prolonged sitting and poor posture can lead to a range of issues, including back and neck pain, headaches, and even carpal tunnel syndrome. That's why it's essential to maintain proper ergonomics in the office, whether you're sitting or standing. In this blog post, we'll explore the best sitting and standing ergonomic postures for the office and how they can support chiropractic care. We'll also provide some office stretches to help alleviate any discomfort.

Best Sitting Ergonomic Postures for the Office

Sitting is a common posture in most office settings, and it's important to ensure that you're sitting correctly to minimize the risk of developing any musculoskeletal disorders. Here are the best sitting ergonomic postures for the office:

Sit with your feet flat on the floor.

When sitting at a desk, ensure that your feet are flat on the floor. This helps to maintain a good posture, and it also reduces the pressure on your lower back. If your feet don't reach the floor, you can use a footrest to support them.

2. Sit with your back straight.

Ensure that your back is straight when sitting, and avoid slouching. Your chair should provide adequate back support to help maintain your posture. You can also use a lumbar support cushion to support your lower back.

3. Adjust the height of your chair.

Ensure that your chair is at the correct height so that your feet are flat on the floor and your knees are level with your hips. This helps to maintain good posture and reduce any strain on your lower back.

4. Keep your elbows close to your body.

Ensure that your elbows are close to your body when typing, and your wrists are straight. Avoid reaching for the keyboard, as this can lead to discomfort and strain on your shoulders and neck.

Best Standing Ergonomic Postures for the Office

Standing for prolonged periods can also lead to discomfort and pain if you're not standing correctly. Here are the best standing ergonomic postures for the office:

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.

Ensure that your feet are shoulder-width apart when standing, and distribute your weight evenly on both feet. This helps to maintain good posture and reduce any strain on your lower back and hips.

2. Keep your shoulders relaxed.

Avoid hunching your shoulders when standing, and ensure that they're relaxed. This helps to reduce any tension in your neck and upper back.

3. Keep your head level.

Ensure that your head is level when standing, and avoid looking down for extended periods. This can lead to discomfort and strain on your neck.

4. Use an anti-fatigue mat.

Standing on a hard surface for prolonged periods can lead to discomfort and fatigue. Using an anti-fatigue mat can help to reduce any strain on your feet and legs.

In today's digital age, most of us spend a significant portion of our day sitting at a desk or working on a computer. Prolonged sitting and poor posture can lead to a range of issues, including back and neck pain, headaches, and even carpal tunnel syndrome. That's why it's essential to maintain proper ergonomics in the office, whether you're sitting or standing. In this blog post, we'll explore the best sitting and standing ergonomic postures for the office and how they can support chiropractic care. We'll also provide some office stretches to help alleviate any discomfort.

Best Sitting Ergonomic Postures for the Office

Sitting is a common posture in most office settings, and it's important to ensure that you're sitting correctly to minimize the risk of developing any musculoskeletal disorders. Here are the best sitting ergonomic postures for the office:

  1. Sit with your feet flat on the floor.

When sitting at a desk, ensure that your feet are flat on the floor. This helps to maintain a good posture, and it also reduces the pressure on your lower back. If your feet don't reach the floor, you can use a footrest to support them.

2. Sit with your back straight.

Ensure that your back is straight when sitting, and avoid slouching. Your chair should provide adequate back support to help maintain your posture. You can also use a lumbar support cushion to support your lower back.

3. Adjust the height of your chair.

Ensure that your chair is at the correct height so that your feet are flat on the floor and your knees are level with your hips. This helps to maintain good posture and reduce any strain on your lower back.

4. Keep your elbows close to your body.

Ensure that your elbows are close to your body when typing, and your wrists are straight. Avoid reaching for the keyboard, as this can lead to discomfort and strain on your shoulders and neck.

Best Standing Ergonomic Postures for the Office

Standing for prolonged periods can also lead to discomfort and pain if you're not standing correctly. Here are the best standing ergonomic postures for the office:

  1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.

Ensure that your feet are shoulder-width apart when standing, and distribute your weight evenly on both feet. This helps to maintain good posture and reduce any strain on your lower back and hips.

2. Keep your shoulders relaxed.

Avoid hunching your shoulders when standing, and ensure that they're relaxed. This helps to reduce any tension in your neck and upper back.

3. Keep your head level.

Ensure that your head is level when standing, and avoid looking down for extended periods. This can lead to discomfort and strain on your neck.

4. Use an anti-fatigue mat.

Standing on a hard surface for prolonged periods can lead to discomfort and fatigue. Using an anti-fatigue mat can help to reduce any strain on your feet and legs.

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Bryce Fleming Bryce Fleming

Is Chiropractic Safe when Pregnant?

Having a safe and healthy birth is a top priority for expectant mothers. It is a special moment that every parent eagerly awaits. It is a time filled with excitement, anticipation, and a little bit of fear. The fear of giving birth can be overwhelming, especially when it comes to ensuring the safety of both the mother and the baby. This is where chiropractic care can help.

While there are many factors that can impact the birth experience, chiropractic care can play a significant role in ensuring a smooth and safe delivery. In this blog, we'll explore how chiropractic care can help prepare your body for childbirth and promote a safe and healthy birth.

Prepares the Pelvic Area: Chiropractic care can help prepare the pelvic area for childbirth by improving the function and alignment of the pelvic bones and muscles. A misaligned pelvis can cause complications during birth, such as a prolonged labor, and increase the likelihood of interventions such as a cesarean section. Chiropractic adjustments can help to balance the pelvic area and ensure that the baby is in the optimal position for birth.

Reduces Stress on the Body: Pregnancy can put a significant amount of stress on the body, and chiropractic care can help reduce this stress. Regular chiropractic adjustments can help improve the functioning of the nervous system, reducing stress and tension, and promoting overall relaxation.

Minimizes Pain: Pregnancy and childbirth can be an extremely painful experience, but chiropractic care can help minimize this pain. Regular chiropractic adjustments can help relieve pain in the back, neck, and hips, and can also reduce discomfort during labor and delivery.

Promotes Optimal Fetal Positioning: The position of the baby in the womb can have a significant impact on the birth experience. A baby that is in the optimal position for birth is less likely to become distressed during delivery, reducing the likelihood of interventions such as a cesarean section. Chiropractic care can help promote optimal fetal positioning by ensuring that the pelvic area is balanced and the muscles and bones are functioning properly.

Improves Nervous System Function: The nervous system plays a critical role in the birth process, and it is important that it is functioning optimally. Chiropractic care can help improve nervous system function by reducing stress and tension and promoting overall relaxation. This can lead to a smoother and more efficient birth experience, reducing the likelihood of complications and interventions.

Reduces the Need for Interventions: Interventions such as a cesarean section or the use of instruments such as forceps can be traumatic for both the mother and the baby. Chiropractic care can help reduce the need for these interventions by ensuring that the pelvic area is balanced and the baby is in the optimal position for birth.

If you are pregnant and interested in chiropractic care, it is important to find a chiropractor who is experienced in working with expectant mothers. Your chiropractor will be able to advise you on the best care plan for your individual needs and will work with you to ensure a safe and healthy birth experience.

Investing in chiropractic care during pregnancy can be a valuable step towards having a safe and healthy birth. By addressing any potential misalignments and promoting overall relaxation, chiropractic care can help ensure a smoother and more efficient delivery, reducing the likelihood of complications and interventions.

Having a safe and healthy birth is a top priority for expectant mothers. It is a special moment that every parent eagerly awaits. It is a time filled with excitement, anticipation, and a little bit of fear. The fear of giving birth can be overwhelming, especially when it comes to ensuring the safety of both the mother and the baby. This is where chiropractic care can help.

While there are many factors that can impact the birth experience, chiropractic care can play a significant role in ensuring a smooth and safe delivery. In this blog, we'll explore how chiropractic care can help prepare your body for childbirth and promote a safe and healthy birth.

Prepares the Pelvic Area: Chiropractic care can help prepare the pelvic area for childbirth by improving the function and alignment of the pelvic bones and muscles. A misaligned pelvis can cause complications during birth, such as a prolonged labor, and increase the likelihood of interventions such as a cesarean section. Chiropractic adjustments can help to balance the pelvic area and ensure that the baby is in the optimal position for birth.

Reduces Stress on the Body: Pregnancy can put a significant amount of stress on the body, and chiropractic care can help reduce this stress. Regular chiropractic adjustments can help improve the functioning of the nervous system, reducing stress and tension, and promoting overall relaxation.

Minimizes Pain: Pregnancy and childbirth can be an extremely painful experience, but chiropractic care can help minimize this pain. Regular chiropractic adjustments can help relieve pain in the back, neck, and hips, and can also reduce discomfort during labor and delivery.

Promotes Optimal Fetal Positioning: The position of the baby in the womb can have a significant impact on the birth experience. A baby that is in the optimal position for birth is less likely to become distressed during delivery, reducing the likelihood of interventions such as a cesarean section. Chiropractic care can help promote optimal fetal positioning by ensuring that the pelvic area is balanced and the muscles and bones are functioning properly.

Improves Nervous System Function: The nervous system plays a critical role in the birth process, and it is important that it is functioning optimally. Chiropractic care can help improve nervous system function by reducing stress and tension and promoting overall relaxation. This can lead to a smoother and more efficient birth experience, reducing the likelihood of complications and interventions.

Reduces the Need for Interventions: Interventions such as a cesarean section or the use of instruments such as forceps can be traumatic for both the mother and the baby. Chiropractic care can help reduce the need for these interventions by ensuring that the pelvic area is balanced and the baby is in the optimal position for birth.

If you are pregnant and interested in chiropractic care, it is important to find a chiropractor who is experienced in working with expectant mothers. Your chiropractor will be able to advise you on the best care plan for your individual needs and will work with you to ensure a safe and healthy birth experience.

Investing in chiropractic care during pregnancy can be a valuable step towards having a safe and healthy birth. By addressing any potential misalignments and promoting overall relaxation, chiropractic care can help ensure a smoother and more efficient delivery, reducing the likelihood of complications and interventions.

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