Spotlight on Probiotics

Spotlight on Probiotics

In todays modern world it is virtually impossible to achieve adequate nutrients from our diet and environment at all times. For this reason, Probiotics are recommended for supplementation.

Probiotics, or good bacteria, need special attention when being used as a supplement. Just like Omega-3 content in foods, it it becoming more difficult to obtain probiotics in the natural way.

Wild humans never took antibiotics - which can destroy the gut flora for up to to years - and they never sanitised their food or their weapons. They also ate dirt and the guts of fish and animals, they sucked their bones dry - all of which are jam-packed with healthy bacteria that work in a symbiotic relationship with our digestive system. Today, everything is sanitised, and antibiotics are everywhere, even in the commercial meat we eat.

Eating fermented foods such as sauerkraut and kimchi (Japanese radish) on a regular basis will help, but it is unlikely that you will reach your required probiotic levels with just these things alone.

Probiotic supplements re-establish the gut acidity and environment that gives the other good strains of bacteria in your gut a chance to thrive and reproduce. This is why it is important to get probiotics with up to either or nine multiple strains of different bacteria (unlike most cheaper popular brands). If your diet includes naturally occurring probiotics such as sauerkraut, spirulina, chlorella and blue-green algae, you may find you require less supplementation. For everyone else, follow what is the recommended dosage on the bottle.

We recommend: Progurt Probiotics


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