Is Chiropractic Pseudoscience? Debunking Myths and Misconceptions

When it comes to healthcare, people often seek the most effective and reliable treatments. Chiropractic care, with its focus on the spine and nervous system, has been a subject of both intrigue and scepticism.   


This article provides an objective overview of chiropractic care, address misconceptions, and showcase its value as a legitimate healthcare option.   


Understanding Chiropractic Care  

Chiropractic care traces its roots back to the late 19th century when Dr Daniel David Palmer performed the first spinal adjustment. The practice is based on the belief that proper spinal alignment promotes natural bodily healing. Chiropractors use manual adjustments and other techniques to address musculoskeletal issues, aiming to restore optimal nervous system function.  


Chiropractic's Scientific Basis  

While some have questioned the scientific basis of chiropractic care, numerous studies have provided compelling evidence supporting its effectiveness. Research has shown that chiropractic adjustments can improve joint mobility, reduce pain, and enhance overall physical function. In particular, studies on conditions like lower back pain, neck pain, and headaches have demonstrated positive outcomes with chiropractic treatments.  


The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) has acknowledged the benefits of chiropractic care, especially for patients with acute low back pain. This recognition from a prestigious medical institution reflects the growing acceptance of chiropractic as a valid form of treatment.  


Recognition from Mainstream Medical Institutions  

Contrary to the notion of chiropractic as pseudoscience, many mainstream medical institutions have embraced and integrated chiropractic care into their practices. In Australia, chiropractors work closely with medical doctors, physiotherapists, and other healthcare professionals to offer comprehensive, patient-centred care. This collaboration demonstrates the trust and confidence mainstream medicine has in chiropractic's role in healthcare.  


Addressing Misconceptions and Criticisms   

Misconceptions surrounding chiropractic have, at times, overshadowed its legitimacy.   


Myth: Chiropractic Treatment is Risky  

One of the most common misunderstandings is the assumption that chiropractic adjustments are dangerous. However, chiropractors undergo rigorous training and adhere to strict safety guidelines to ensure patient well-being. In reality, chiropractic adjustments are generally considered safe and low-risk when performed by licensed professionals. 


Here's why you shouldn't be afraid to undergo chiropractic treatment:  


  • Chiropractors are highly trained professionals. They complete a minimum of 6 years of education and training, including a Doctor of Chiropractic (DC) degree.  

  • Chiropractic treatment is generally non-invasive. It does not involve the use of drugs or surgery.  

  • The risks of chiropractic treatment are very low. The most common side effects, such as soreness or stiffness, are mild and temporary.  

  • Chiropractic treatment has proven effective for various conditions, such as back pain (upper and lower), neck pain, and sciatica.  


Myth: Chiropractic is Not Science-Based  

Another criticism is the notion that chiropractic care lacks scientific evidence. This misconception is increasingly disproven, with a growing body of research supporting chiropractic treatments. While there may have been historical controversies or outdated practices, modern chiropractic care is firmly rooted in scientific principles and evidence-based practices.  


  • The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) published a study in 2010 that found that chiropractic treatment was effective for treating acute low back pain.  

  • A 2020 study showed that people receiving chiropractic care had a slightly better overall health impact than those undergoing physical therapy.  


The Role of Licensing and Regulation  

In Australia, chiropractors are highly regulated healthcare professionals. To become licensed, chiropractors must complete a demanding academic programme followed by extensive practical training.  


The following are the educational qualifications required to become a chiropractor in Australia:  



The following universities offer accredited chiropractic programmes in Australia:  


  • Central Queensland University (QLD)  

  • Australian Chiropractic College (SA)  

  • Macquarie University (NSW)  

  • Murdoch University (WA)  

  • RMIT University (VIC)  


The chiropractic degree programmes these universities offer are accredited by the Council on Chiropractic Education Australasia (CCEA). The CCEA is an independent body that ensures that chiropractic programs meet the highest educational standards.  


Once the aspirant has completed their degree and internship, they will be eligible to register with the Chiropractic Board of Australia. The Chiropractic Board is responsible for regulating the chiropractic profession in Australia.  


To register with the Chiropractic Board, they will need to meet the following requirements:  


  • Graduate from an accredited chiropractic programme.  

  • Complete a one-year internship.  

  • Pass the national registration examination.  


Once they are registered with the Chiropractic Board, they will be able to practice as a chiropractor in Australia.  


This rigorous process ensures that chiropractors are well-prepared to deliver safe and effective patient care. Moreover, the profession is governed by strict codes of conduct and ethical standards, further promoting patient safety and quality of care.  


Patient Testimonials and Success Stories  

The impact of chiropractic care is best showcased through the experiences of real patients. Countless individuals have found relief and improved well-being through chiropractic treatments. From athletes enhancing their performance to office workers finding relief from chronic pain, chiropractic has helped people from all walks of life regain their vitality and live life to the fullest.  


When browsing a chiropractic centre’s reviews, search for keywords relevant to the condition you are looking to treat. Longer, detailed reviews are a goldmine of insights about the quality of the services and the patients’ comfort and confidence in their healthcare professionals. 


Integrative Care Approach  

Chiropractors understand the value of an integrative care approach. They collaborate with other healthcare professionals, fostering a holistic perspective on patient health. This collaborative effort ensures that patients receive comprehensive care tailored to their needs, leading to better health outcomes and overall well-being.  


Ongoing Research and Advancements   

The chiropractic field is dynamic, with ongoing research and continuous advancements. Scientists and chiropractors alike are dedicated to further understanding the mechanisms behind chiropractic care and exploring its potential benefits for various health conditions. As research progresses, we can expect even more evidence to support the efficacy of chiropractic treatments.  


Doubtless, you will encounter conflicting research. When you do, please remember that all medical and healthcare fields, from rheumatology to dentistry and chiropractic, have theories and methods can be approached with different criteria and in varying contexts.  



Chiropractic care is far from being pseudoscience. Its scientific basis, recognition from mainstream medical institutions, and countless patient success stories attest to its legitimacy as a healthcare option. By debunking myths and embracing evidence-based care, we can appreciate chiropractic's value to the overall well-being of individuals across Australia. As the field advances through research and collaboration, chiropractic care will undoubtedly remain integral to modern healthcare. 


Alignment Chiropractic offers excellent treatment for musculoskeletal issues from our centre in Milsons Point, Sydney. If you would like to experience relief from back pain, neck pain, frozen shoulder, sciatica, and postural issues or improve your sports performance, you can book an appointment online or call us today. 



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