What is the Difference between a Chiropractor and an Osteopath? 

Chiropractic science and osteopathy are not two different titles for the same profession. Though the disciplines share similarities, chiropractic and osteopathy are two distinct healthcare professions. To get the most out of your healthcare provider, it would help to grasp the differences between the two professions in question. In Australia, what sets chiropractors and osteopaths apart is their educational paths, philosophies, and treatment approaches. Explore the contrasting principles of chiropractic and osteopathy in this blog to make informed decisions regarding your musculoskeletal healthcare options. 

Education and Licensing 

While the educational qualifications of chiropractors and osteopaths in Australia are similar, there are some key differences: 


A chiropractor’s education begins with a bachelor's degree in chiropractic science, followed by a two-year master's degree in clinical chiropractic. Osteopaths commence with a bachelor’s degree in osteopathic studies and conclude with a two-year master’s degree in osteopathic medicine. 


The chiropractic curriculum puts the musculoskeletal system front and centre, while the curriculum for osteopaths encompasses a broader range of topics, such as anatomy, physiology, and pathology. 

Regulatory Bodies 

The Chiropractic Board of Australia regulates chiropractors and the Australian Chiropractic Association represents them, while the Osteopathy Board of Australia is the regulatory institution for osteopaths, who are represented by the Australian Osteopathic Association



Chiropractors primarily concentrate on the alignment and manipulation of the spine to improve the function of the nervous system. The central belief underlying chiropractic care is that misalignments or subluxations in the spine can disrupt nerve flow, leading to various health problems. 


Osteopathy takes a holistic approach, considering the interconnectedness of all body systems and their influence on health. Osteopaths believe the body has self-healing mechanisms that can be supported through manual manipulation and adjustments. 

Conditions Treated 


Chiropractors often address the following conditions: 

  • Back pain. Chiropractic adjustments aim to alleviate back pain by realigning the spine and reducing pressure on nerves. 

  • Neck pain. Manipulation techniques can help relieve tension and stiffness in the neck area. 

  • Headaches. Certain headaches, like tension headaches and migraines, may be managed through chiropractic adjustments. 

  • Joint pain. Chiropractic care can relieve joint stiffness and reduce pain in your shoulders, knees, and hips. 

  • Sciatica. Chiropractors can target the sciatic nerve to ease pain and discomfort caused by compression. 

  • Poor posture. Chiropractors can address postural issues that stem from poor carriage or conditions like scoliosis. 

  • Frozen shoulder. Chiropractic care can relieve pain in your shoulder that renders you incapable of moving your arm due to strenuous physical activity or an injury. 


Osteopaths often treat the following conditions: 

  • Musculoskeletal pain. Osteopathic manipulation can target various musculoskeletal issues, providing relief from pain. 

  • Postural problems. Osteopaths may address postural imbalances that contribute to discomfort. 

  • Circulatory issues. Certain osteopathic techniques can help improve blood flow and circulation. 

  • Respiratory conditions. Osteopathic treatment may aid in managing conditions like asthma through manipulative therapy. 



Chiropractors use a variety of techniques to achieve their goals, including: 

  • Spinal adjustments. Manual manipulation of the spine to correct misalignments and alleviate nerve pressure. 

  • Activator method. The use of a handheld instrument to deliver precise adjustments to the spine. 

  • Thompson drop technique. A specialised table that drops slightly to assist in the adjustment process. 

  • Flexion-distraction. Gentle, rhythmic stretching to treat disc-related issues and relieve lower back pain. 

  • Soft tissue therapy. Techniques like massage and trigger point therapy to address muscle tension. 


Osteopaths employ a range of techniques, including: 

  • Muscle energy technique. Gentle stretching and muscle contractions to correct imbalances and improve joint mobility. 

  • Myofascial release. Soft tissue manipulation to release tension and improve overall function. 

  • Craniosacral therapy. Gentle touch to influence the craniosacral system and promote relaxation. 

  • High-Velocity Low-Amplitude (HVLA) thrust. Quick, precise movements to correct joint misalignments. 

  • Counterstrain technique. Passive positioning of the body to relieve muscle tension and pain. 

Chiropractor and Osteopath: Similarities and Differences in Techniques 


Both chiropractors and osteopaths:  

  • Utilise manual techniques. Both professions rely on hands-on manipulative therapies to address musculoskeletal issues. 

  • Promote non-invasive care. Chiropractic and osteopathic treatments refrain from administering or prescribing drugs and performing or recommending surgery. 

  • Consider patient history. Both practitioners take detailed patient histories and perform thorough examinations before recommending treatment. 


Focus and approach are the primary distinctions between chiropractors and osteopaths: 

  • A chiropractor’s domain is the spine and nervous system, whereas osteopaths take a broader, whole-body approach. 

  • While both use spinal adjustments, chiropractors tend to use high-velocity thrusts, while osteopaths might employ more gentle and indirect techniques.  

  • Osteopaths may include craniosacral therapy in their treatments, a technique not commonly used by chiropractors. 

Practice Venues 


In Australia, chiropractors are legally allowed to practice in various settings, including: 

  • Private clinics. Private chiropractic clinics are the most common practice location for chiropractors. These clinics provide personalised care and a comfortable environment for patients seeking chiropractic treatment. 

  • Community health centres. You might also find chiropractors in community health centres, where they serve population segments with limited access to private healthcare. 

  • Sports and fitness facilities. Chiropractors often collaborate with sports teams and fitness centres, offering their expertise to athletes and individuals seeking performance enhancement and injury prevention. 

  • Corporate wellness programmes. Some companies incorporate chiropractic care as part of their employee wellness initiatives, promoting better musculoskeletal health among their workforce. 


Osteopaths in Australia are legally allowed to practice in various settings, including: 

  • Private clinics. Like chiropractors, private osteopathic clinics are a common practice location for osteopaths in Australia. 

  • Hospitals. Osteopaths may have the privilege to work in hospitals, particularly in departments specialising in musculoskeletal health and rehabilitation. 

  • Community health centres. Osteopaths may offer their services in community health centres, reaching a diverse patient population. 

  • Sports medicine clinics. Osteopaths often collaborate with sports medicine clinics, assisting in injury management and performance optimisation for athletes. 

Where to Meet a Chiropractor or Osteopath 

For individuals seeking chiropractic or osteopathic care in Australia, private practices have a slight edge over other locations. Private centres offer several advantages, including: 

  • Personalised care. Chiropractors and osteopaths in private centres can tailor their treatments to individual needs and preferences. 

  • Convenient appointments. Private centres usually offer flexible scheduling options, making it easier to find appointment times that suit your schedule. 

  • Access to comprehensive services. Private centres often provide a range of chiropractic and osteopathic techniques and complementary therapies under one roof.  

  • Specialised expertise. Private chiropractic and osteopathic centres focus on musculoskeletal health and provide specialised expertise. 

  • One-on-one attention. Private centres allow chiropractors and osteopaths to focus on each patient's needs. 

  • Comfortable environment. Private centres offer a calm and welcoming atmosphere conducive to healing and relaxation. 

Differences between Osteopathy and Chiropractic: A Table 

Here is a table that succinctly captures the main chiropractic vs osteopathy differences.

Characteristic Chiropractor Osteopath
Education 3-year Bachelor of Chiropractic Science + 2-year Master of Clinical Chiropractic 3-year Bachelor of Osteopathic Studies + 2-year Master of Osteopathic Medicine
Licensing Registered with the Australian Chiropractic Association (ACA) Registered with the Australian Osteopathic Association (AOA)
Conditions Treated Musculoskeletal disorders, especially neck pain, back pain, headaches, and sciatica Musculoskeletal disorders, as well as digestive problems, respiratory problems, and fatigue
Philosophies The body has the ability to heal itself, and manipulation of the spine can restore this balance The body is a whole system, and treating one part can affect the whole
Approaches Use spinal manipulation, massage, and exercise therapy Use spinal manipulation, massage, exercise therapy, and stretching
Scope Can diagnose and treat musculoskeletal disorders Can diagnose and treat musculoskeletal problems and issues pertaining to digestion, respiration, and stamina
Practice Private practices, community health centres, sports and fitness facilities, corporate wellness programmes Private practices, hospitals, clinics, community health centres, sports medicine clinics

Which is Better: Osteopath or Chiropractor? 

‘Should I see an osteopath or a chiropractor?’  

If that is your question, here is the answer. 

The choice between an osteopath and a chiropractor should not be about who is better, as both are qualified and licensed professionals in Australia. Instead, your decision should hinge on your needs, health condition, and personal preferences.  

Osteopaths and chiropractors each offer distinct approaches and treatment techniques, making them suitable for different situations. Take the time to research your options carefully. 

Consider the following factors to make an informed choice: 

  • Specific Health Concerns. Assess your health conditions and concerns. Osteopaths and chiropractors have slightly different approaches, and one may be more suited to address your specific needs. For example, if you’re experiencing headaches related to spinal misalignments, a chiropractor’s expertise in spinal manipulation may be beneficial. If you seek a more integrated approach, you could consult with an osteopath. 

  • Treatment techniques. Both professions use hands-on manipulative techniques, but the specific methods can vary. Research the techniques commonly used by each practitioner and see which aligns better with your preferences and comfort level. 

  • Personal preferences. Consider your personal healthcare preferences. Some individuals may prefer a more direct and targeted approach offered by chiropractors, while others may lean towards the holistic philosophy of osteopathy. Patient rapport and comfort with the practitioner are essential for successful treatment outcomes. 

  • Recommendations and referrals. Your friends, family, or other healthcare professionals who have had positive experiences with osteopaths or chiropractors could give you a name or two. A referral can provide valuable insights into the quality of care you can expect. 


Your musculoskeletal health is in safe hands with a chiropractor or an osteopath. While chiropractors specialise in spinal health and manipulation, osteopaths adopt a holistic approach, considering the body as a whole. If you do not wish to go under the knife or take pharmaceutical drugs for your musculoskeletal conditions, you have chiropractic and osteopathy to choose between. When seeking care from any of them, you should communicate your concerns and health goals to receive the most appropriate and tailored treatment. Before settling on one professional or the other, do a preliminary consultation with both and choose the specialist whose expertise aligns with your needs. 

Alignment Chiropractic offers excellent treatment for musculoskeletal issues from our centre in Milsons Point, Sydney. If you would like to experience relief from back pain, neck pain, frozen shoulder, sciatica, and postural issues or improve your sports performance, you can book an appointment online or call us today. 


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