Why Opt for Chiropractor Full Body Adjustment? Explore the Benefits  

Although chiropractic care concentrates on the spine, and it is associated with treatment for back, neck, and shoulder pain, its scope also extends to the extremities and joints. If you are afflicted by aches and pains across your body or want a general but comprehensive treatment, a chiropractor full body adjustment is your best choice.

What is Chiropractic Full Body Adjustment?  

A chiropractic full body adjustment is a treatment method chiropractors employ to address musculoskeletal issues by applying controlled and precise manual or instrument-assisted manipulations to different joints and regions of your body.   

Using their knowledge of anatomy and biomechanics, your chiropractor will target areas of concern. While full body adjustments can involve the manipulation of multiple joints, the healthcare professional will tailor the procedure to your needs, adjusting the intensity and techniques where necessary.  

A head-to-toe chiropractic adjustment intends to correct misalignments or subluxations in the spine and joints, which are believed to interfere with your nervous system’s proper functioning and general health. 

This procedure can: 

  • Improve joint mobility  

  • Alleviate pain  

  • Reduce tension  

  • Enhance your body’s natural healing ability   

How Does Chiropractic Full Body Adjustment Work?  


Initial Consultation with Your Chiropractor
The chiropractor’s centre is unlike a massage parlour where clients can enter and request a chiropractor full body adjustment the way they might ask for a head-to-toe Thai massage. During the initial consultation, your chiropractor will enquire about the following:  

  •  Medical history  

  • Current symptoms  

  • Nature of your discomfort  

  • Location of the discomfort  

  • Previous injuries  

  • Overall health  

  • Lifestyle and daily routine  

  • Reason for seeking chiropractic care  

  • Hoped-for outcomes  

  • Concerns  

  • Health goals  

The patient will probe the chiropractor about their experience, treatment approach, as well as the benefits and risks of a full body adjustment.  

What to Expect During a Chiropractic Full Body Adjustment  

Your chiropractor will give you a brief walkthrough of the full body adjustment and instruct you to remove your shoes or obstructive accessories and lie on the table, usually supine.   


They will begin the full body adjustment at the neck, loosening your joints by cracking once at a right angle and the second time at a left angle.  


The midsection comes next. The chiropractor will ask you to cross your arms such that each palm touches the opposite shoulder. They will lift your left leg, so the foot sits on the right knee. Lifting your head, they will raise your upper body and lower it with sufficient force to release pent-up tension.  

Lower Back  

To treat the lower back, keep your arms and legs as they were during the midsection phase. Your chiropractor will drape your bent left leg over the straight right leg and swiftly compress your lower back. Then, bending the right leg over the straight left leg, they will repeat the compression.  

Shoulders and Ribs  

Shoulder pain may affect the ribs. Adjusting the ribs requires you to raise and bend your right arm such that your elbow points upwards and your palm clasps your shoulder. With the flat of their hand, the chiropractor will crack the shoulder joints and adjust the upper ribs.   


When your feet are being adjusted, grip the sides of the table. The chiropractor starts from the ankles (talus) and proceeds to the calcaneus, the plantar fascia, the metatarsals, and the phalanges with a mix of tugs, palpation, rotation, forward-backward movements, or side-to-side movements. They might splay, curl, and uncurl your toes before cracking them.  


Your legs were together during the previous procedure. The chiropractor will move your right leg outward and yank at the lower leg, two or three inches below the knee, to adjust your right hip. They will do likewise to adjust the left hip.  


You can switch to a prone position for the doctor to knead your knee joints.  


To adjust your hands, you must sit upright on the table. The chiropractor will tug at each finger and adjust your wrists.  

The above is one possible scenario for a chiropractor full body adjustment. Certain particulars may vary from patient to patient at the chiropractor’s discretion. You may have to lie prone or on your side, depending on your condition. Your doctor will guide your movements and breathing throughout.  

The Spectrum of Benefits 

Chiropractic full body adjustment can make your body feel refreshed and renewed because it frees up tension and reduces stiffness, allowing you to move well and live well.   

Take a look at the potential benefits of this treatment method.

Pain Relief and Management

Pain in one part of the body can radiate to other parts and hamper your ability to function at home or work. Your discomfort might force you to limit or avoid movement or even cause you to assume awkward positions while waking or sleeping, which can lead to other complications.  

Here are the perks of full body adjustment for pain relief:  

  • Reduction in acute and chronic pain through joint alignment.  

  • Alleviation of discomfort from back pain, neck pain, and headaches.

Enhancing Flexibility and Range of Motion 

Acute pain makes you think twice whenever you wish to move because certain movements, even if not sharp and sudden, can cause shooting pain. When the body grows unused to movement, it can stiffen, leading to more pain and discomfort. If this sounds like your situation, the time is ripe for a full-body treatment.  

You could experience:  

  • Improved joint mobility and flexibility by addressing joint restrictions.  

  • Increased range of motion in joints, aiding movement and daily activities.  

Posture Improvement and Body Awareness

Poor posture does not just affect the back. It can cause neck and shoulder pain and affect your gait. If your body becomes habituated to slouching, you might find it difficult to revert to an upright posture, even when your bad posture causes discomfort.  

This is how a full body adjustment can help you with bad posture:  

  • Correction of postural imbalances through spinal alignment.  

  • Heightened awareness of body alignment, leading to better posture habits.  

Performance and Injury Prevention for Athletes  

A healthy body is paramount to peak athletic performance. Sports engages the whole body, so the head-to-toe adjustment is valuable.   

Here’s what you get:  

  • Optimisation of biomechanics and muscle function for improved athletic performance.  

  • Reduced risk of strains, sprains, and injuries due to better joint alignment.

Preparation for Birth and Beyond

Women can avail themselves of full-body treatment during pregnancy and even postnatal, when the body may experience aches and pains due to drastic physical and hormonal changes.  

How can chiropractic care help moms-to-be and brand-new moms?  

  • Management of discomfort during pregnancy through improved pelvic alignment.  

  • Potential assistance in smoother labour and delivery by promoting proper pelvic balance.  

Mobility and Wellness in Later Years

A head-to-toe chiropractic adjustment will vary in intensity for older adults. Before initiating the procedure, your chiropractor will assess your medical history and physical condition to determine whether it is advisable.  

If the doctor green-flags the treatment, here are some perks you can enjoy:  

  • Promotion of joint health and mobility, contributing to better general health.  

  • Potential reduction in the risk of mobility-related issues and discomfort.

Why Chiropractic Full Body Adjustment Over Single-Part Adjustment?  


Addresses the Whole Body  

When a chiropractor adjusts the entire spine, they can address misalignments or subluxations that may be causing pain or dysfunction in other parts of your body. This is because your spine is connected to all the other systems in your body, so a misalignment in one area can ripple throughout the entire system.  

More Effective for Chronic Pain  

If you have been suffering from chronic pain for a long time, you have probably tried other treatments without much success. Chiropractic full body adjustment can be a more effective way to manage chronic pain because it addresses the underlying cause and symptoms.  

Better Health and Well-Being  

In addition to relieving pain, chiropractic full body adjustment may improve overall health by improving circulation, boosting your immune system, and reducing stress levels.  


When you are on the chiropractic table for a full body adjustment, you will be surprised to discover how much tension your body harbours in places you never thought possible. The complete coverage of this treatment method is its biggest benefit.   

Your search for ‘chiro adjustment near me’ ends with Alignment Chiropractic. Our head-to-toe treatment is professional, comfortable, and effective. Please book your appointment online or over the phone and drop into our Milsons Point, Sydney clinic


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